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  • hmmm:) well i dont think crocodiles have scales...( not sure...cant remember) but the salt water crocs are nasty little creatres, any were north of rockhampton we generaly tell tourists not to swim at the beach and that...unless it is sighned that its ok....lots of people have been killed by crocs over here....most of them europian or american tourists....the main thing to look out for over here though are the snakes and spiders...they are in every part of the country not just the tropical

    (top 10 most poisones snakes world wide over here if i remember rightly...the most poisones one is the fierse snake or inland typan) get bitten by one of those u have about 2 minutes to
    tru...that is on the to go list.....ireland is a place id love to visit...proud of my irish heritage and love the week on friday i am going on holiday for 5 weeks to the top end of litteraly to the top..if i step any further north ill be neck deep in water with is going to be 5 weeks of fishing and relaxing....looking foward to it i am
    ahh..yeah...i remeber, we have pre school here too and prep, thats age 5...we graduate when we 17 as well or 18...depending on if ur kept back a basicly the system is the same as australia, just cut into more levles lol.....

    im thinking ill visit the states one day when i get my passport togeather and get some money....just a couple of places id like to like to see vegas (just to say i have been) also a few place like the grand canyon maybe a few other places....dunno yet were, but it will be probly 2 or 3 years away realy like to see europe first....(where all my heritage comes from...england, scotland, ireland,) and a few other places like italy and france
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