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  • Haha that's exactly what you said in the thread. XD ahhaha! anyhoos... yeah. Gonna draw my happy place. ^_^ So you can join us! XD hahahaha!
    A little bit stressed with school stuff. But yesterday, in voice, we learned how to go to our "happy place" for about ten minutes to relieve the stress and it works. You lay on the floor and relax all the tension in your body starting with your neck and working down, but she was telling a story at the same time about getting away into the mountains and standing in a lake and feeling the pebbles under your feet and it was nice. But I think I'm moving my happy place to a field on a little hill with the sun warm on my skin, but a tree shading my eyes and a cat lying next to me so I can pet it lol. OMG EVEN BETTER! Lying with my head on Damian's stomach or chest or whatever and him stroking my hair. *faints* I'd die. I'd be really happy. And a cat beside me to pet as we talk. XD hahahaha! Now THAT's a happy place.
    lol...1 it compolsery to vote if ur over 18 here and an australian citizen...your in america, its a right, not
    haha.:DI do it to Kitty too_One time she said she was getting more insane and I told her she was turning into me.
    She's still in a coma.
    hello lady of peace, how are you this week? i'm good :) glad to hear from you, my week has been packed with takeing care & training the new puppy & work, have a good week
    For twist locks:Slide flat thing(such as creditcard,guitar pick,etc.) into door side.
    For pop locks(as in pressing a button to lock): put small stick (lollipop stick,pencil lead,shoelace end) through hole and push.
    of course!I learned how to do that when I was four.You see,my brother,since he jumped out the window once,we switched sides for the locks on doors and windows.So if you go into a room,and someone locks the door on you,you must always have a sucker or guitar pick.Or you may be stuck there for a while.
    tis my life.
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