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  • thats great:) im realy enviouse of people with good familys.......seeing as my family is a realy messed up family...(i do however recognise that i do still have it better than some)
    my family is all split uncle is a psyco gun happy whack job and has anger the rest of the family i never hear from......except my aunty...she is the only sane person in my extended family....:) its all good though

    so....friday now for u ey...:p should be about midnight im assuming lol
    thats great...:) yeah the life of partys and drinking and all that is not what its cracked up to be, its a horrid life and expensive God i never got far enough into that lifestyle to get into drugs) but the drinking has come to a stop now wich is good.....alcoholism is in my family so it was a bad idea for me to drink...(my grandfather was an alco.......none of my extended family are in the church..just my mum and sister and brother arnt any more) older bro younger
    ahhh...the double bass....(like a massive giant cello) i know the you go to church....i do too...:p well im getting back into it anyway, grew up in the church but in my stupidity when i was about 18 i fell away a bit and did a few things im not proud but im comming back to church now :) its great pretty good...just enjoying a day at the day off work...long weekend for u play the piano...i used to play the cello long time back....but stoped playing cos i grew out of the 3/4 size cello and couldnd afford to buy full size one and continue lessons so i now no longer play an instament..wish i did though, always wanted to play bass guitar. lol
    so...thursday night over there friday lunch time here
    Haha. I do that a lot. Except that I'm homeschooled so I pretty much do it with all my school and I never get done :eek:
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