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  • HAHAHA....well thats tru i can see the pros and cons in both sides...pros would be "NO SCHOOL FOR 6 MONTHS!!!!!!" cons would be...youd get all the whako little brats that should be in looney bins or military school causing trouble also wouldnt realy learn as much in the long run but it be realy cool all the same...(hmmmm sleeping in )
    haha......yeah...its cooled down a bit again we just had a heat wave but we often get that in full summer see im in brisbane though its a bit closer to the equater than new york i think..(not sure)....yeah we did get holidays but not 3 months it was spread out over the year....4 school terms with a few weeks put in here and there over chrismas they give a 5 or six week break then its the new school year again......yeah school finished for me 4 years ago now in manage to miss spell alot of words and have realy bad anyway yeah thats my story right now it is 24 degrees (75 degrees fahrenheight)
    AHH yep im familier with labor day...we do have it over here too....tru going into autum (fall) its spring here but we been getting early summer weather 38 degree days last week (100 degrees fahrenheight)

    school you guys have a 3 month break over summer dont ya....wish i had that back in the day....but i guese i dont need to worry any more...i finished school, :)
    see the laso picture?Click that and then go 100 percent on feather edges.Then circle the part you want cut,right click,press edit,and cut.Then is you want to paste it somewhere else,right click on that pick andpress paste.
    LOL...none taken........i work putting the stock away at night(stock resteration, re-filling the shelf) whatever u wana call it we have a deadline to get it all away and thats 9:00pm and if its not done like in any work place boss isnt happy...but i just ignore him and get on with life...:) anyways........whats happening your end of the world
    uhhh...uhhhhh..i CAN'T DECIDE!!!They're both brilliant!!!
    Oh,and in book of love,Keithy's singing in the backround.
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