D DaydreamBeliever Aug 20, 2009 No,but I read the book and heard the radio theatre. I plan on seeing the movie eventually though.
D DaydreamBeliever Aug 20, 2009 Awesome!If you see it,I'd love to know what you think of it. I started a thread for it ages ago,but nobody had seen it except me. I love them too! I used to collect WWII movies and books when I was younger.
Awesome!If you see it,I'd love to know what you think of it. I started a thread for it ages ago,but nobody had seen it except me. I love them too! I used to collect WWII movies and books when I was younger.
D DaydreamBeliever Aug 20, 2009 Yes,its about a Danish family that saved Jews during WWII.True story as well,and an amazing film.
D DaydreamBeliever Aug 20, 2009 Yep. Have you seen Miracle At Midnight?I love that one too,its a similiar story.
D DaydreamBeliever Aug 20, 2009 Really? Wow,everyone I've ever mentioned it to has never heard of it.I love it too.
Lucy but Taller Aug 19, 2009 Oh,it is. argh..I wanted to do it yesterday but the time I could do it mum told me to get off.
Shadow_Kitty Aug 18, 2009 Haha. Jesse won't finished them because she was afraid Keith would get married
Shadow_Kitty Aug 17, 2009 Wow! How can you not read the awesomeness? I have to re-read them and re-read them because there amazing. Butt here over *sob*
Wow! How can you not read the awesomeness? I have to re-read them and re-read them because there amazing. Butt here over *sob*
Shadow_Kitty Aug 16, 2009 Yeppers. Wow I just got done re-reading Tripped and I was reading Real men before that. I love Maggie's fics. There amazering.
Yeppers. Wow I just got done re-reading Tripped and I was reading Real men before that. I love Maggie's fics. There amazering.
Alambil and Tarvis Aug 16, 2009 You're welcome I honestly haven't heard enough CT for me to say whether I like them or not, but I've been meaning to listen to more of their stuff My friend/former roommate loves them
You're welcome I honestly haven't heard enough CT for me to say whether I like them or not, but I've been meaning to listen to more of their stuff My friend/former roommate loves them
Shadow_Kitty Aug 16, 2009 It was amazering. Except my dad was being a goof ball so it wasn't very dramatic or shocking...
Shadow_Kitty Aug 16, 2009 *nods* Yeppers. She just went right ahead and bought the tickets.. Then told us.
Shadow_Kitty Aug 16, 2009 Haha. I'm really lucky that I get to go. I was sure I wasn't going to get to.