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  • Well, it's not really a theory... more of a "given." The genetic code is DNA. There's no question it's still incredibly complex... meaning, there are millions upon millions of different protein combinations making up the charactaristics of the human; i.e. the eye color, hair, melanin, growth pattern, finger prints, everything. Basically the "System 32" of your body (if you know computers ;)). You can take a teaspoon of your DNA and stretch it to the moon and back 500 times. It's been calculated that one person's DNA, if typed out into letters, would fill books filling up the Grand Canyon... 40 times. That's a lot of info.

    Now there's the question, was it more complex than it is today? You gotta think about Adam. We're talkin' pre-programmed from the hand of God: first guy. Dogs probably had a common ancestor: dog. Sure, coyotes, wolfs, and dogs all had a start. Scientists have traced back to the gray wolf as being the source. Adam and Eve probably contained all the different code structures in their gene code to create a diverse population, just as the gray wolf had it in his genes to produce all dogs of today, from great dane to chihuahua.

    Scientists refer to the "Y-chromosomal Adam" and "mitochondrial Eve" as the source of all humans. You'll find this theory throughout the internet; wikipedia particularly talks about this subject...

    ...But personally I think I could've told 'em that just from reading Genesis. :D
    Paris :D and I lived in London, and now I'm in Africa ... pfff far away from everything ...
    you're soo lucky !! I wish I could go to Australia, just once :) I live in Congo in Africa :( I already lived in france and England :)
    yeah that's true :) if I got an audition, I would help all my friend here too :D so you're Australian ... do you have a Brittish accent ??
    that's a nice story next to mine ... My dream started last summer :( reading the books, after I had seen Prince Caspian ... I guess you're 15 then, I'll turn 15 next summer ;)
    GrEAT !!! :D, I just had a question, curiosity, since when do you want to be Jill ?
    well if you give it on the Hoping for Jill Pole group, you'll know all of us will see it :D because we live in different counties, and unfortunatly, time is not the same everywhere .. . So when I can be online, I know some others are at school you know, but you could talk about that "reunion" :p on the group, and you'll know we willall answer ;)

    xoxo Pauline
    That doesn't sound good. Don't give your address to anyone again. But Alas! my friend. It's late here and I need to get to bed. I got a big day tomorrow. I hope I can talk to you again tomorrow and good luck talking to the girls. Have a great day. Gotta go now. Sorry.
    That is too funny! But they are cool pictures. Anyway. I hope you get to talk to the girls soon. They will really be happy about that. What time is it in Australia right now? Where you live?
    What second picture? the one on the steps? Are you the one on the top left? And that other one is that in the restroom? LOL
    thanks. Tell her what you have and that you'll like to give it to all of them together, or at least to most of them. by the way, I saw your new pictures. which one are you? the one with the short brown hair?
    Good idea. Talk to Powl' and ask her to see give you some ideas on how to get them together. I'm sure she'll love to help with that.
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