I'm not picking on you personally in the feminist-Amazon issue; but where someone your age has been saturated with Xena and Buffy and Charlie's Angels, I have spent twenty years actually serving in the U.S. Navy. EVEN in the Navy, where not as great a bodily exertion is usually needed as in the Army, women had to be given MUCH lower performance requirements than men in the most basic fitness testing, in order for some of the women to be able even to pass at all. This is not my opinion, it is verifiable fact.
My sister Ricki is a swordfighting instructor, so I wouldn't DARE deny that there ARE women capable of warrior-like fighting....but there still are not anywhere near AS MANY of them as fanatical feminists would have you believe. Warrior-capable MEN will always VASTLY outnumber the equivalent women, unless this is changed in the future by genetic engineering. That's just the way it is. But if you happen to be Amazon material yourself, great, go for it.
Joseph Ravitts