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  • Tim!!!! I'm glad said hi. I just wanted to tell you that Vanessa (Mrs Gil-Galad Took) is coming to the area from the Netherlands in mid November and I think she will be around for 2-3 weeks. We are planning a get together (it's in the initial stages) so we wanted to ask you and Lucy if you could be available sometime mid nov to early dec. No specific date set yet.
    omg..u lost me with such huge words!! im nowhere near ur level!!! haha! there are!!! =0 idk if thats a good thing or bad thing.. my lifes a lil confusing at the moment if u catch my drift.. =/ anyways thats crazy, i cant believe shes in college now! if thats her major, tell her to read the book "three cups of tea" by greg mortenson and david relin, its not something i enjoyed all too much (was required for my english class) but she may. does she still come on here at all? ugh..dont be one of those professor guys who dress weird and think theyre funny but really just make fools of themselves.. =0 i tend to laugh at them!

    haha! i just posted my reply on my own profile! ive yet to figure out how this site works these days!! =0
    haha, yah i ment was it always and i just didnt know that.. anyways thats cool dude. what do u plan on being in a couple years? college is cool, boring but cool. i was a hist major but it got boring so now im a child dev. major..but thats kinda boring too! =0 idk man! haha! so hows ur lil sis been? good hearing from u dude!
    hmm..has ur bday always been on the same day as my oldest bro? ur two years younger tho.. =/ anyways dude, how goes it in lala land?
    :D Thx, I tend to do better at discussing stuff rather than being silly. :p :eek: Thanks for the thought. :)
    Thanks Tim. Yah, I get bored if there's not some theological discussion going on ... Blessings!
    Thanks Tim! Great to see you back on TDL! We miss you. Blessings to you and precious Lucy. :)
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