You haven't missed much, roleplay-wise. My NPC Dwarfs have been waiting for maybe two weeks to find out if their arrows are allowed to hit a Hag who has advertised her position with a magic light.
I think we have times fairly evened out. I _think_ that all characters who have been of concern to me are now existing on the same day. But I was giving no more thought to Libertas, since you seemed to have said he had given up on any more forays into Narnia. I figured you would be playing your new character when you had time to play again.
You could if you choose easily write a post in the Pass thread, OR the new Anvard thread, about the arrival in Archenland of Libertas, Dar, Mathan, Longtail, etc.
Libertas has almost completed his mission of convoying the wounded tigers. After that, he will be free to do what he thinks best. Perhaps he could join Woefulgut's crew.