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  • Time will tell. But you need to be careful with details. In the first section, you said there were three religions left, but then seemed to speak of only two.
    haw! really! omgsh!
    i absolutely, positively love them!
    i like a few! if i had to pick one, it'd be 'talk'.
    what about you? :D:D:D
    You haven't abandoned me, because the duel format REQUIRES only one player to a side. Meanwhile, I'm glad you like Alipang.
    I hope you don't mind my borrowing Libertas for the official duel in which only one player can control a side. I thought it was showing you more consideration using Libertas, than leaving him out of the action.
    Simetra, while saying she isn't mad at anyone, asked for the halt while the Mods review the situation. I'm rapidly getting tired of the whole thing; but Simetra is trying to prevent it from getting still worse in the long run.
    Did you see my attempt to uphold your long-standing declaration of Libertas' readiness to shoot?
    Simetra thinks the wolf killed by Drainor is the only one to get past the tigers so far. You might ask the Mods to rule on whether these camouflage-wearing ninja wolves are ever going to be visible to Libertas.
    I think all you can do is ask Simetra and the Mods to finalize the question of whether there currently ARE any enemy wolves who are (1) within Libertas' line of sight, but (2) NOT so entangled with the tigers that Libertas' arrow is likely to hit a tiger.
    Are you following the attempts to sort out the confusion in "Let It Snow"? As soon as it's agreed who is doing what where to whom, I believe Libertas will be allowed a kill at last.
    It looks like we'll have to do without Retaw the Gryphon. Aravis_Yanes has been around several times during the standoff, but (as you can see) she has not posted. So I guess she doesn't intend to.
    If the Mods won't let Moto arrive where Libertas is in time to help against the wolfpack, you could ask if Moto can be with Longtail, saying the two met in Archenland.
    The moment is very near for you to open fire; note that Simetra may be changing his last action post because of what I discuss in OOC Realm. But you could post something generic, to the effect that you are standing by and you WILL shoot at the first obvious enemy target that you have a clear line of fire for.
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