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  • It's Finnish! :)
    It says "It's better to be with you than at the edge of a shaft."
    It's from a very beautiful Finnish song, called "Maailma puhaltaa" by the band Uniklubi.
    I found the roleplay by monologues thread, and have been reading through it. :D HILARIOUS! :D Almost all of those typical complaints reminded me of that user from the other forum. :rolleyes:

    But there's one that you forgot- the user who's character always has an animal he can communicate with who will run at the bad guys. "Go get 'em, Tiger!" *shudders*
    I bet you can!
    No I have not read Tale of Sophia Renee. But I will begin. I would love to listen to it too! Hopefully soon :)
    Oh gotcha. And I received the e-mail. And no problem.

    I was a camp counselor this past summer, plus I have a lot of friends with "problems."
    Goodness! Sorry I got offline last night. It was really late here. I will be praying about your bp. My mom has bp problems as well. It's scary.
    Lovely, I will keep an eye out for her too. My littlest step-daughter is named Erin, so that username is dear to me. :)
    That's a shame. We play the waiting game then.

    Perhaps there aren't a lot of women around 59 who are really on the market, or want to be... there is a divorced lady I know who is 47, but she is already too tired to find someone. I also know a man who just turned 40, who lives a solitary life, he's never had a wife nor does he ever want one. It makes me feel sad sometimes, how some people just give up so easily. Love and company are very important things to have in life. You are young at heart and have a lot of love to give. Unfortunately, not everyone can endure for so long. Instead they turn to pets or hobbies perhaps because humans and relationships are too complex for them. Or even worse, they sadly wallow in loneliness. It is good that you're proactive. If it is willed to happen, it will. I pray it does.
    Hmm, I'll try to get there since I am fond of reading their entries in Professor's writing club..;)
    Hello! No, that is definitely not me. LOL! I've never even been to Illinois and I am lagging behind that age by two decades. :)
    I love the writing and poetry club..Can I join there??..And besides QueenLucythevaliant's work is soo much interesting..
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