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  • Great reasons, all. I've seen it twice, but I don't think the last time should count because I had been so busy and sleep deprived that day that I fell asleep around Narrowhaven and didn't really wake up till the Serpent vs Dragon battle. Aughhhhhhh!
    Wow I can't believe you've seen VDT 4 times already. I know one was the clergy preview, but even 3 times in the last week is amazing!
    Thank you, I really appreciate it. I've gone from being excited pre-LWW to being almost antagonistic at the thought of more movies.

    Please, can you send me a link to the Lucy story? My browser is wonky and sometimes, it's hard to navigate it.
    I hope I did not come across as too snappish. I am a bit frustrated with all the talk about how the movies are not that bad and we should be happy that they are not worse. Is there any law that says that these movies have to be made at all?
    Thanks! One more question, if you don't mind. How was the scene by the river/lagoon that turns things to gold? Specifically how did things play out between Edmund and Caspian? Did they sword fight? Try to throw each other into the water? Did Edmund say "I'm no subject of yours!" ?
    Morning Dad,
    Well the Doctor was just in and he say's I should be able to go home tomorrow! When I go home he told me that because of everything that has happend to me in the last few weeks. He doesn't want getting over excited or anything like that. Then he told Papa he wanted to see him outside my room. they were talking in hushed voices. I wish I knew what they were saying!
    Thanks for the link. =]
    I read a few entries, and the blog seems interesting. I'll take a closer look after I get my homework done.
    I actually don't have one at the moment. I might create one soon though, and when I do, I'll definitely add you.
    The "disturbing" sig was the last one on the first page...
    but like you said I'll just ignor it and check the rest of your
    Hi Mr.Copperfox,

    I read the first part of the poem you wanted me to read.
    I was going to continue,but as I was scrolling down at the comments
    I saw a desturbing sinature so I stop.
    BUT I like the first part of your poem,it's sad... :( :)
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