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  • Oh, hmm.. well I liked everything but math during my time in school for subjects. Maybe Something with computers or history. I liked those two subjects the best in school. Art still my favorite too but I like those two. As for the name of the topic sounds good to me. :) Though quick question whats this for, really?
    Yeah true. =/ Oh she dose that's nice. I have a Target where I live too and other small stores. I might have to try a different line of work soon but for now my mother wants me to take it easy but not too easy for awhile. My work I did was an after school program with kids. But I left cause of stress and my boss/co-workers treated me badly. And some thing else I did not menchin cause I cant say it on here.... Its that bad and me ashamed of it really.
    No not in school no more. I graduated high school in 08. Never tired collage yet. Not sure what to do in my life right now. Like become a writer or artist. I know I would like to take classes but where I live no one could really help me if I had a problem in school like big o collage. I'm currently unemployed at the moment. Cause I lost my job I had from tons of stress..Long story really.
    Ok, thankyou for that truly is kind of you. I have something called LD = learning disabled I think now. Used to be disability. My aunt is severely MR. I hate using the word , lets say worse of than me. Mine is really learning issues I got and slower than regular people. But still smart. And no I don't mind tell you all this..
    Oh yeah I heard about that.. I'm sorry Copper. all you can do is your best to support her right now, and if god wanted you to do something about it he would tell you.. in his mysterious ways.. If that was not you meant then forget it.. I been halfway bullied all my life so I know how it sorta feels but not like she has where the person hits you. Well almost from my step cousins here in KS.. -_-
    Yeah you did. I was very on edge or just sadden this morning for some odd strange reason. A lot on my mind I guess.. But that's life for ya. =/ So doing well today yourself?
    Sure, sorry about that. Um I don't like Tornadoes or Thunderstorms. Used to scare me a lot when I was little growing up in KS with my folks. Every once in a while I get scard of them or frightfull. Dose that help?
    And I'm not that great at the whole Narnia thing as I haven't actually read of them and so on. I just, I'm not very confidant. :/ Thanks for telling me about it though. :)
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