Wow, I really overread that. I apologize. Sometimes I do that. True, but to me there's always that chance of hope. Or should say, a greater feeling, from that of being 20,000 leagues under the sea.
True. What do you mean by getting stuck? The way I see it, a submarine is usually at a depth no human without proper equipment could withstand the pressure. If your ship gets torpedoed at least you have rafts you can rapidly deploy.
Yeah, I'm realizing now, on a naval ship I guess you don't have much for a plain compass. But now I'm curious, what sort of ship did you serve on? and what was your duty?
Really? I thought you might've. I've looked it up somewhat. It's used in the military to direct artillery and land navigation. I got one for my birthday. I'd ask my brother how to use it..but he's preoccupied.
It has three basic parts. A cover wherein the center there is a strip of wire about an inch in length. Fold out the cover, and you have a lens that retracts, and then the main compass part with two lines on the face (which can be turned).
yeah I can see that
but its not that im anti guy
im just pro woman
so I often dont let my girl characters be any sort of steryotypical, even the Amazon ones lol