Thanks, CF! I haven't been on much lately actually.. What with school piling up and more time on Facebook. Heh.. But anyways.. I hope you're doing well. =]
I have not. Reason being I'd probably fail every question since I've never read the bible, nor have I extreme knowledge like most people here do. But, I'll look at it anyway.
That's how it did it actually. If I need to pray for someone that's how I do it. To me it's like if you believe in God, treat him like you believe he exists like a real person. It would be disrespectful in my opinion to treat him like a figment of your imagination.
I'm glad to know it'll be heard. I hope you feel better soon. It's what I asked for.
Also, sorry I am not religious and don't know the proper way to pray but I said something for you and hope it goes through. I believe in God and Jesus I promise. I didn't want you to get the message that I didn't.
I'm not experiencing much of global warming right now but it used to be colder around now so I guess I can't complain. Still 20 degrees farenheit is cold. I'm looking forward to when I can break out the hammock and enjoy a narnia book outside.
I am doing pretty good. We have snow that I want gone and I want Spring to come so badly. I hate winter. I hate summer too. Sorry you're feeling crummy but at least you're not in the hospital anymore.
This season's opener is epic. CTU is disbanded, and Buchanan, Chloe, and Tony Almeida are working without any government approval to bring this Songalan terrorist group to an end.
As long as it's not something gory worse. Invisibility is not so bad. Although they did lock the Harry Potter threads and Harry does have an invisibility cloak.