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  • hmmm. I know that feeling. I used to have these dreams (and I still do sometimes) that I was driving a car, and suddenly the car would like, spin out of control or something. That's how I feel when I think about the country. It makes me so mad that people have literaly blinded themselves to the truth. They do not see because they simply refuse to; or they've been brainwashed to believe what nuts who are running our government want them to believe. It's frustrating.
    no its not that, its just I see you and GV go back and forth and I dont know how to just jump in there, and have it be relivant to ya'lls convo.
    I am not sure if you were upset that I forgot to add william in the post. But I don't think it was nice to say that Josie and I are practically married. But that's ok. No harm done. We collaborated and that is why she had to have first and only choice of whatever character she wanted.
    Yes, William Twyti is reserved for you. I won't give it to anyone else. I doubt anyone else will pick it up anyway.
    Oh, and I am not barring the other character. sorry I forgot to add him. It's just that Kim want's double character too but she want's two important characters and just told her to wait on that.
    Ok. I will put you down for Sir Balin. But remember about posting short posts to make it easy to read, please.
    No. We'll start when right around the time Arthur pulls the sword from the stone and then we may jump up to him being a grown up and starting the round table councils and stuff.
    yeah that's true. in American History, my class just studied the Mexican/American war, and its interesting how in the California/Arizona/New Mexico area that the population majority is Mexican. talk about 'reconquista'
    She is showing them her identification papers. She was the only person they found in the village. I don't know exactly what she told them except that she was alone and hiding the whole time.
    The incident in my siggy picture is true, but the quote about the lion is how I imagined God cared for the little girl while the village was being shelled, bombed and fought over.
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