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  • You can just answer my latest--and let it be assumed that I do accompany you the rest of the way to the Pansit, where you get to work, and then I allow you to focus on the job.
    maybe a few more its like 3:30 am and I have a class at 11am which means I wake up at 9...its not too bad, I did have several sips of the most dangerous energy drink (only 18+ can drink it appearantly) and I had a nap earlier... lol
    BarbarianKing told me something and even commented in the thread of the story itself about the Jack Sparrow's mentioning, so I naturally had to change it for someone real, like Red Beard :) He liked the story, though.
    Oh my gosh!
    You would be so proud of me LOL!
    I bought this new book yesterday called "Blood Red Snow White" and its based during the Russian Revolution. Each chapter has a title - written in English...with the RUSSIAN translation underneath! :D:D
    Not only is your signature STILL misleading, but I walked into that Homeschooler rp thinking of you as "Collegefox"

    things are wrong here
    lol :rolleyes: hows about Kim apologizes and sees his pov, but still has her opinions on fighting. lol

    ok sure :rolleyes: lol jk!
    Thank you, Copperfox. No, I don't think I'm that kind of person actually. I read in SC that the Owl's Parliament thought that She and Jadis were from the same crew, so it just came to my mind.
    Okie dokie! my prayer list keeps growing and growing..... :D I was listneing to some talk radio earlier.. and it really bothers me... what's happening to America.... kinda scares me, too...
    ok will do. lol

    soooooooo im thinking about posting ANOTHER story on here. This time its in 1st person, so i wont be writing cinematically. anyways do you think I should, I am able to keep up with them and all, but idk do you think 4 on going stories is excessive?
    Oh, thank you.
    Yeah, well, just put the Jack Sparrow thing cuz I thought, as Lewis did in the Magician's nephew with Sherlock Holmes, that it'd be nice. But don't mind about it.
    Thanks, I like Edward McVernie a lot too. :D And thanks for reading.
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