Lol I see. Well if that's the case, then I guess I shall never end up with these kind of maidens. I pray that there is maiden who is like Rowena or Rebecca or even Eowyn.
My mom was invited for a dinner in the town Goes (I told you about) and when I came to visit her she wasn't at home so she went with the group to have dinner.
It has always bewildered me why beautiful maidens choose to grace such men with their love. Why they chase men with wicked hearts and hrrid characteristics. It is one of mysteries I fear I'll never understand.
K about this last comment...what do you mean by muscles on the leg?
how does muscle show?:|
Unless like you have the doesn't show:|
I HATE that :|
I used to have it cuz i waled a lot but it died down.
She lost some after the pic I sen you. The link pic is her now I think.
I liked her gaunt look though but I like her new healthy look a lot more of course.Which is the link pic:|...