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  • "Copperfox narrowed his eyes. "I voted against you, _because_ I understand you." Even as he said this, he was transforming into The Grey Eagle. Using his temperature-control power, he feverized their brains just enough to make them pass out for a short while with no permanent damage. Propping them up in side-by-side chairs out in front of The Octopus Garden, he told two of his waiters to make hand-lettered signs. One sign was to read, "Down With Socialism--Free Enterprise Forever!"; the other was to read, "Marriage And Family: Refer To The Bible."

    While the two party hacks were still unconscious, Grey Eagle placed the signs in their hands. Waiting for them to awaken, the superhero snapped digital photos of them as soon as their eyes opened--so that it would look as if they had been holding these conservative signs on purpose. "These pictures of you will be online in ten minutes," he told them. "Have fun explaining them to your precinct bosses."

    It would be great to have a wedding between Queenie and Emmett! And when they get married there must be a party for them. So we must spread the news and inform many members to join the wedding party
    Thanks. Truthfully, I've never really liked the woman, but it kills me to see her like this.... it's almost like she's suffering.
    I almost swear that we're family. My Great-grandmother is currently in the ICU at a local hospital. She's not doing well at all.... and we're not really expecting her to live, but if she does then we're not expecting her to be anything near normal. She's got lymphoma and her kidneys are failing due to her doctor changing her meds. The chemicals in her system are causing her to have siezures. They're trying to pump everything out of her system and start anew, but we don't know if she'll be able to make it through all of that. She was admitted Monday night.
    Okie dokie. And it's alright. I got on early today. Not going to bed for at least 7ish hours :)
    I saw it. Now Smerdyakov the purple duck is stalking you. XD 'Cause he's twisted like that. And Smerdyakov is fun to say.

    THAT'S what I should name my first kid. :D
    It's amazing the stupid thinks some of those guys come up with. His cat paradox is actually based in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, but at least Heisenberg's makes sense because he is talking about atoms and tinier particles, not living things!!
    I hope your father will be ok. I am still praying for him.

    No I havent acutally, I shall go and see that right now :)
    They're doing alright :)
    I went for my ultrasound on Monday and within this week I should be getting my x-ray results too! So we shall see if I am ok or not!

    I'm still walking so that is a good thing :)
    How are you doing dearest Joe?
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