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  • ahaha, I know what you mean. It's very frustrating. You know, on the train, people were talking about voting TWICE for their candidate! Now, I don't mean to speculate, but guessing on where I was, I have a feeling I know who they were voting twice for..*sigh*..

    There's a funny political joke about republicans and democrats, but I forget part of it. When I remember it I'll tell it to you.
    Thanks, Papa Joe. I'm undergoing a lot of stress right now, so I don't feel so great. Btw, dance class was yesterday, and it went very well.
    Nice image.

    Moral equivalence, moral relativism. I'm thinking our country has gone mad. I wonder how much worse off they were in Sodom & Gomorrah? The times they are a-changing, and not in a good way.

    How is your heart health these days?
    I liked the sonnet you wrote
    though i'm confused by the use of cats and crocodiles - i'm guessing it has something to do with the wonderland rp
    But one never knows if they have been lied to or if another has been lied to until the situation in question has been tested out. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

    I loves you too. :]
    I don't want to talk about politics.... I was cussed last night because of what I believe.

    It's insane.
    Thanks! I'll see about sending you a note to further continue the discussion..

    And yes, don't I know it? >.< I'm mostly afraid that if 8 doesn't pass, it will open a way for people to marry pets or whatever, siblings... allowed because the opponent(s) would be accused of discrimination against human rights.
    I'm not quite sure why the thread had to be shut down, because to everyone else outside TDL, it is a very real issue that needs to be addressed...
    But anyways, I didn't mean to get into that whole thing on here.
    Thanks. Crocodile and did you ever come up with that fun rhyme? Nicely done, especially the "stern -- because I care" part.

    I bet she'll be tickled. Better that than pickled.

    Hope you can get some sleep soon, CF. I'm on my way. Will pray for you.
    What makes you think I havent been reading?
    I do every day! I am still in the first few pages...but my notebook is filling up :D:D
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