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  • that's wonderful news! however I will keep praying in case God can be motivated to bring him further in health. It's no trouble at all! :D
    Yeah, I didn't really know how to respond to that; I neither wanted to be judgmental nor wishy-washy! Hope I responded appropriately!
    Merry Christmas to you too, Copperfox.

    Yes, I've been really busy over the last few months. Work had been hectic and then there's all the stuff I do for my local church. That's kept me busy especially with Christmas coming up.

    Sorry I'm rambling a bit; too much wine with Christmas dinner I expect! Nice to hear from you and I still intend to finish that story; in fact I'm working on the next part now

    Joe, I just wanted to let you know that I'm continuing to pray for your work situation. I deeply sympathize, for the Lord has me in financial straits right now myself (2011 was a slow year for my business, but I still have an unexpectedly large tax liability.) I pray for you daily, that the Lord would open doors and provide for you, and ask that you pray for me.

    In the usual cycle of morning prayer, there's a canticle that comes up every couple of weeks. It's from the end of the book of Habakkuk, and it's something I cling to in the state the Lord has me:

    Though the fig tree blossom not,
    nor fruit be on the vine;
    Though the yield of the olive fail,
    and the terraces produce no nourishment;
    Though the flocks disappear from the fold,
    and there be no herd in the stalls;
    Yet will I rejoice in the Lord,
    and exult in my saving God!

    You're in my prayers, brother!
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