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  • Yeah, that helps a lot, even though they aren't personal. Before I used to feel totally alone, like scary alone, but getting into my Bible over the summer and going to Youth Group Camp helped cure that. :)
    I have one last question- I need a word that ends in '-ation' that is synonyms with situation. I can't use 'situation' because I already used it...
    Well, I know what I'll write about but... I don't exactly know what to write... I've tried coming up with a list of words but they don't flow...
    Awww... well, I don't have a digital camera, so unforunately I don't have any on my computer to upload... but once I get a picture I hope I can post it up! :D
    dang. [facepalm.]

    genders... genders.... genders.....

    Well in any language, you know that I'll still love you and wish you happiness. Всегда.

    Я желаю тебе только счастье, моя милая дед!


    [I hope that I wrote that right. o.o]
    I'm sure it was entirely within the limits. I'll post as often as I can, but I appreciate you filling in...can't promise you won't have to do more. Now I'm off to read pages and pages of RP that I missed :P.


    It really does though.
    But I think that I know of something better.

    Two words : Stir Fry.
    I used to have a garden. There was broccoli [which I love steamed.], sunflowers, sqash, cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkins... and that's all I can remember. Now though we've become 'too busy' to do things like that. o.0

    My grandpa used to grow sweet potatoes all the time. I remember eating them when I was little little. He passed when I was young though. :\ Just three years after granny passed. My favorite great-grandparents.

    yay! Just for duh-manda. :D
    Thank you Papa Joe. ^^
    I hope things don't go down either. o.o Now that things are good, now that I'm happy. I just want things to stay this way forever.

    Now that you've heard all about my past few days, I'm curious to hear about yours. :]

    I like some graffiti... the legal kind of course. XD

    Dylan's party was tons of fun. His mom... is hilarious [though she cusses quite a bit. :P]. She's trying to get it through Dylan's head that he should ask me to prom. :o He has a little cousin named EJ. ohdear. He's so adoreable.
    I meet family to the third degree almost. lol. It wasn't uncomfortable though.
    The food was insane. Like bacon covered stuffed mushrooms insane. :D

    Dylan introduced me as his girlfriend to everyone. :o
    He gave me more presents than I gave him and it was _his_ birthday!? lol.
    I got there around five thirty -ish and didn't leave until ten fifteen -ish. XD
    I had a blast.

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