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  • Well thank God that he has allowed us to meet. I don't know what situation I would be in if we never did.

    What was your signature saying? I know it was something like "Let me be faithful even in adversity," right?
    I wanted to know, because I'm putting little sayings on note cards and I'm going to put them all around my room or in my binders, just as little reminders for those questionable days. :o
    Too bad all the decent boys don't live around here. o.0 Or at least I haven't really found any, but I'm not really 'looking' for anyone. I don't need all of the drama or anything like that right now. I've got plenty of time, if God wills it so, right?

    Dang. I was hopeing that you'd be able to send me a picture or two of some snow. :]
    Aww. G G G G G
    [gasp] It snows a lot in Colorado doesn't it? I haven't seen real snow in at least four years. :/

    I try to keep reminding myself everything that you keep telling me, but coming from you it means more than coming from myself. :o

    Keep on exercising Papa Joe, but don't you get sick on me because you've been walking in the rain. :D

    I Glove you too Papa Joe, always and foreber. <3
    Thanks! :) I looked at some videos of ballroom dancing on Youtube and I noticed that a lot of the dancing had those steps in it! :)
    lol, yeah...

    I tried to tell everyone to please take the discussion to the proper abortion thread. I was afraid that would happen, that the petition thread would turn into just another arguing thread. :/

    It seems a lot of people with her mindset like to pretend the thorough rebuttals, etc 'never happened' or they 'never heard them' or they 'don't make sense' or some other silly excuse. Ah, well. Hopefully one day God will be allowed into their hearts. :)
    Honestly I haven't the slightest idea how to use this thing very well but...Here I go...

    Firstly, thank you for posting (and for the kind words) :o on here =).

    I guess all stories, auto-biographical in any way or not, originate from something the author saw, heard, or had happen to him at one time - whether good or bad is another question entirely...

    I think I can deffinately see where your coming from. I would rather be deserving and not get something(or someone), then not deserving and get that something(or one). I did quite enjoy the reality in the story as well, and the wonderful refferences to Bible scriptures and how Duncan was a Christian and everything :). I doubt it would be half as good a story without the Christian elements.

    I will admit I find it slightly amusing that you are pushing so hard and wanting a sequel, but again, I see why. I myself cannot wait to read the sequel, whoever writes it :D.
    I'm sorry, I didn't read that part, I added what happened in the keep, please tell me if I made a mistake ...
    But you have given it up to be there for the one you loved so dearly Joe. That's even more important than being fit.
    It's the most fun when you walk together of course but if it's impossible, it's just not going to work. But I'm glad you decided to walk again. And I know it's not a matter of just doing it but you have to because of your health.
    You still might have a long way before you but at least you made a start. 20 kilometers? That's pretty far! I think your wives are watching you from above and calling your name: Come on Joe! You can do it!
    I can post now, so I did in the introduction thread, but I can't post new threads (or make an avatar).
    Thank you Papa Joe. <3

    I meant to tell you that while I was at the beach I saw a rainbow. The first one that I had seen in a while. I thought about you when I saw it and managed to get a picture of it, but it's not as brilliant as it was in person.

    How ironic that your preacher would speak of that... it was like he knew.
    I'm trying to convince my mom to go to a Saturday breakfast at our old church [the one that had the preacher that made me want to quit church because of what he said... he's not there anymore though]. It would take place next weekend, and if I can get her to go then, then maybe I can get her to take me back to church that Sunday.
    It's worth a shot. :]

    I Glove you 24/7/365.25 [Which is really how many days it takes to go around the sun. XD ]
    yeah, I read the summary yesterday, but it started being really late >> 0.00am so I couldn't post anthing, I'll try to imagine something today and to post it ;)
    like I said, unless other characters bring up that post. lol. Its not that I dont know what is going on and stuff, its just that I used to rp with really bad writers, and hated reading their stuff. So I'm just trained to skip stuff now. Not b/c anyone is bad at rp-ing, its just what I do.
    easy, if it mentions your name read it, if not, dont unless the other character brings it up. Its how I stayed sane on mysoace rps.
    You'd do that for me? I've never really been able to actually participate in a communion because I've never been 'officially and pubically' saved, so I wasn't eligible.

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