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  • Thank you. Well then, pay no heed to my suggestion then, you have it well covered.
    Oh my, well that is rough. I am very sorry. I hope all works out... However, God has a plan for it all... Trust in Him. Its hard to do, but it is worth it.
    Really? Congrats... Wait have you met her yet? lol I am trying to write letters to my wife. No I have not met her yet, but I cannot wait to meet her! :)
    Whether I feel more like Porthos, Aramis or Bugs Bunny depends entirely on how many cookies I eat after dinner.
    Hi copperfox! Since I'm not really on the forum much,I'm passing my email along to some of my friends for when they want to talk. here's mine: Will you email me your sonnets when you write them? :)
    Hello, Copperfox! I'm Fresh Bread to this site. :) I'm very new, actually. I've only been on this site for a few weeks. I love Narnia and would give almost anything to audition for Narnia. I have a great passion for Narnia! Would you be my friend? :)
    It's no problem what so ever! I can't believe someone would be so cruel. Be sure to let me know if I can do anything for you!
    But there is still hope for you, sir. Sure you're turning 60, but God does miracles for those who follow Him. He gave Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age, parted the Red Sea, and etc., so getting you a new wife at your age can't be any less possible.
    Although I wouldn't want to hurt a guy's feelings, I could never pretend to mislead them-that would be way more hurtful...
    well, I can't be of much help because I've never even had a guy tell me he likes me...
    It's so good to be back! I hope to post more than just a "few" times, but I can't promise anything;)
    Taking that character would be fine, but I have someone who is interested in joining and I'll see if she wants to act as Wynne.
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