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  • I'll be the primitive young Irish PenDragon/Knight with a spunky little sister. You'll know me when I say, "My lord Bishop, I seek the man called CopperFox." After that, I'd appreciate if you mention my name "Sir Thomas," then there should be no mistaking our identities.
    I see. I was just a bit surprised you sent me a message instead of commentating in the thread. But maybe you don't want everyone to read that.

    I intend to post the next part at the weekend. I must admit I got rather tempted by an alternative plot idea and almost changed the entire story. But in the end I decided it wasn't appropriate
    I have this idea about Sir Thomas finding a wounded dragon/dinosaur (a non-flying one a little bigger than a horse) and nursing it back to health, becoming friends with it, and eventually riding it in place of a horse. What do you think of this concept?
    That would be so neat! :D A very special day I think.
    I, personally, have always wanted to marry in June... hehe.
    Valentines days isn't too far away! I am just so excited for you, Copper!
    Go Team Copperfox!
    No...but I have heard of it! :D
    AH, Copper...I dream of true love and it fills me with so much joy to see yours! You are an inspiration. :)
    Soooo excited...when's the date?! :D
    Really...I can't say how happy I am for you!
    No, I haven't. I was away for two weeks and haven't had time to catch up yet, but I forgotten.:)
    Copper, Copper, Copper!!! You know I'm not being too active here...but with this news I just have to say to you...

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy for you and Shannon!!!

    I really can't say how happy I am for you...I am almost crying! :D

    I pray a blessing on you both!!!
    Yayayay! :D
    Congratulations on finding yourself a queen, my king! :D

    We should be at the RenFest next weekend. I should be easy to recognize, as I'll be dressed very similar to how I am in my pictures. I'll also be wearing a shield pendant with a dragon on it, and a Celtic sword with a brass hilt and pommel at my side.
    Dearest Joseph,

    First off, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT! I am truly happy for you! :) I vaguely remember us talking about the woes of being lonely/finding a lovely woman for you, but thank God you've found someone. This is truly lovely news. I shall read the topic but you must tell me more :)

    I am also glad that Dasha's condition has improved.

    Yes I have been gone a while, I tend to do that during the advent of exams. It's a lot of pressure for me, so I can't distract myself. I actually returned to see how an old friend was doing as his country is going through an unfortunate time. But I'm so glad you've messaged me :)
    I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have lost interest. :( I'll go take a look, but I'm pretty sure that at this point, I don't really want to participate. I'm sorry.
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