Ah...I shall read it over the next few days...then join as soon as I have read all of it! I hope I am not holding anything up?
Oh...and I have never RP before...
Woo, I'm re-reading Les Mis for the fourth time. my copy is all dog-eared and underlined. I swear, though, copies of that book should come with a complimentary pack of kleenex.
That's a great idea! What if the current patriarch is secretly in league with the evil faction, and they're hoping to eliminate the monarchy and seize total control over the kingdom under the guise of "the church?" This would be similar to events that actually occured in the Dark Ages.
I'm really sorry for what you're going through; I'll be praying for you. I know that sometimes it's hard to see, but God has a purpose for all of us.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God". Romans 8:18.
I'll keep your advise (about people cheating me), thanks!
Remember all the friends that support you!!! Including me
Do you think it would be a good idea for me to make an NPC character to be steward, since we can't find one yet? I think it would run smoother that way.