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  • yes,I think you told me about that before.
    The only thing about rpgs is that I'm not good at it :(
    and I sometimes forget to check the social groups,
    but thanks for telling me about it,maybe some day I'll join it.

    ~Have an awsome day! :)
    How about your daughter was my mother, meaning you are not blood related to my father. My mother died a few years back and my father never was the same (he has spells of madness sometimes lasting for days even weeks). Because you were his wife's father, he refused money, clothes, or shelter from you, seeing it as charity. During one of his spells, he decided to give me to Nero;
    1) because he had no income...
    2) Nero threatened to kidnap me and kill him otherwise if my father did not comply..
    3) Every time he saw me he was pained because i was an exact replica of my mother.

    Without your consent, he sold me to Nero seeing it as the only way. He know that if he consulted you, you would only refused and be angered by the suggestion.

    Does this work?:)
    Well you have heard of his merciless acts against other realms and people.
    If it doesn't bother you, could you be king?
    I haven't been asked. But I don't think I'll join if I'm asked. I haven't even started the one I was planning to.
    well she'll be queen but the goal is to connect the two countries in peace...i've heard of it happening before...
    I'm sorry, I really don't know any more than you do. I was just invited to the group yesterday, and I'm not sure what it is expected of any of us. Somehow, I have a strange feeling that some sort of trickery might be involved.
    that all sounds great...if you want you can go ahead and post your character. Variety is certainly nice:)
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