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  • I like every ind of music but I am not into Rock, Owl City, Trading Yesterday, Enrique, James Blunt, BSB are some of my favorite bans/singers, others songs that I like belong to diffrent singers, like Venessa, Taylor Swift etc..

    What about you?
    I have a Wii,Gamecube,and gameboy :)
    but I mostly play the Wii,but not as much as the computer.

    Oh hey do you watch TV?
    (sorry is that too random of a question?
    I am a "duffer" by-the-way ;) :p :))
    Its okay, but I like the name Dae its nice.
    Graphics Making? COOL!!
    Me?? well I'm doing engineering, sorry was doing engineering but took break and joined my Dad's construction company, still on break. I wanted to go to UK to complete my studies but things happened and I decided not to go.

    Besides that I love Music, hanging out at social forums, anything that a normal anti-social person do to become social :P
    Hi. Narnia is great. :)
    My favourite books are LWW and VDT. Do you have any favourites?
    Dae? that's a very intresting name, nice to meet you.
    Yeah I know what you mean, TDL is a big but you will get use to it and you gonna love it here. So are you an student DAe, school/college?? and what your hobby's? what you like to do?
    hmmm...sounds REALLY COLD over there,
    my weather over here is pretty "cold" no snow though,
    we've been having off and on rain too.So one day it RAINS
    and then another day it's SUNNY :D
    you are welcome :)
    That's AWSOME that you've been to all those places!
    ok watch out 'cause some day I'll be there in Canada
    and be their #1 tourist ;) :p
    So how is the weather there? does it snow a LOT there?
    or in different places?
    Hello and Welcome to the Dancing Lawn!
    ~Have a Great time on here :)

    You're from Canada? COOL!
    I've ALWAYS wanted to go there-specificly P.E.I. :D
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