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  • I hope so. hate being the only girl who loves CT.:D
    Mags interduced me to CT,and ever since i've been their biggest fan.:p
    Oh,and once your name isn't orange,tell me.I'll make you a CT banner if you want.;)
    Mags, I saw Audrey's avatar, so I figured we'd talk soon anyways. ;-D Audrey, that sounds really cool! I'll be praying that someone will like celtic music this year.. ;-) lol
    drama camp!Wow.:)
    I'm going to a horse camp soon,can't wait.:D I went before,and it was fantastic.Everyone was so nice.But unfortunatly nobody liked celtic music.:rolleyes:
    I'm doing pretty well, thank you! I just got done with a drama camp yesterday (the performance was last night). it was pretty sucky sometimes lol, but overall I had a fun time and I'll miss it. but there's always next year. :D how about you? :)
    coolios! I love Keith, too (obviously lol). and no, I do not think you're to hyper. I'm a tomboy too (for the most part at least), so no worries. really the only thing that makes me girly is that I adore Jane Austen everything. :D
    cool.:DI like him too.except when he sings you raise me up.That annoys me.
    Keith.Definatly Keith.Keith is awesome.I love him.I'm not an airhead or anything,but I do like him alot.:p
    Just to let you know for the future,i'm a tomboy.tomboys rule the world.:D
    sorry if you think i'm too hyper.:eek:
    Oh okay! :) yes I love them too...he's amazing. I honestly don't know if I have a favorite...I love them all for different reasons. But at the moment, I think my favorite is probably Paul Byrom. he's just incredible. do you have a favorite?
    no,unfortunatly.I need permission from my parents.:rolleyes:
    I love Keith Harkin's songs,he's so talented.:DWho is your favorite out of all of them?:)
    hullo Audrey! I'm Anna. nice to find a thunderhead here! are you on the CTFF as well? and yes, my name is from that song! I love it as well. :)
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