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  • *still running in a circle screaming then falls on the floor because she's so dizzy*

    try and catch me, you fiend! I have skillz!!!
    *runs in a circle screaming bloody murder*

    ...but...but... but... I don't want to be a test subject! It would ruin my day of infecting people with the Ariel Germ!!! *muahaha*
    yeah its no fun being sick. lol I had all my friends worried about me at the play because I was coughing so much... and I think I got one of my friends sick because he told me this morning that he woke up coughing! I feel so bad...lol but hey its going around so the least I could do is spread my Ariel Germs around, right? =P
    lol it was really fun and they did a good job. it was actually opening night, so there were a lot of bloopers but all in all they did pretty awesome. ugh so I'm like really sick right now... I had a fever last night after the play and it broke last night but I am still sick with this cough in my lungs and it is no fun. I am absolutely miserable. good think I have tomorrow off! ...
    Lassy haha

    Translate? Into Gaelic, you mean? Or just re-write them in accents like you're doing? :p
    oo how fun. lol I'm going to my school play later tonight... lol to see all my friends preform. I'm actually quite excited!
    Won't be many more posts now before Brendan gets his moment of glory coming to Al's rescue.
    oh ok *whew* I totally thought you were bashing on me right there... anyways, I didn't know that people try to bash the US by mentioning that...

    I wasn't using it against the US.... I'm just saying that it makes me sad that we did that. my compassionate heart hurts for all the innocent lives... but we must learn from the past so we do not repeat it...
    well that's a good thing. lol...

    So in history, we have moved on from the Civil War (I got a B on that unit test, btw) and we are now studying the fall of the Native Americans.
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