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  • I guessed you were a guy. But I can see where someone would think you were a girl. Mine is probably confusing too. lol
    And as a good-faith gesture on my promise: if it helps you to provide action for Brendan, you have my O.K. to control Alipang briefly. For example, at day's end he could go to retrieve his knife--to find that a dropout thug has been at the concealing bush ahead of him, putting Alipang in peril until perhaps Brendan clouts the guy with his lacrosse stick.
    Thank you. In return, I promise you that I will not initiate ANY confrontational scene with ANY character under my control, until YOU have had your chance to make something happen with Brendan to suit you. Remember the suggestion of protecting Sammy Ashford from reprisals by Leopard Man's friends...including Rocknose, who so far has not been arrested for anything he did yesterday.
    It's just bad luck. I hadn't known you were about to post in that sequence, that's all. These things happen; I have in the past had to take back actions of mine in the same way I asked you to do. I repeat, there are lots of ways you can provide Brendan with action; and I would have let you in on this one if I had known in time that you were interested.
    What you said--

    >> EDIT: I give up. I'm just a spectator. Hah.

    --IS what I already saw, and IT is what I said looks like angry sulking at me. OF COURSE Brendan would not stand idle if he were on the scene of a strangling, but I had not been alert that he WOULD be there. So the "spectator" line, obviously sarcastic, only makes things worse. I am asking you as a friend to remove that, and just say that Brendan didn't happen to be around, which casts no bad light on Brendan--whereas Kramer had just been with Summer and had not had time to get far away before L-Man moved on her. Don't forget, you can always INVENT A SCENE OF YOUR OWN, which will give you the initiative.
    Please don't be mad at me. What you just changed it to, is like sulking directly at me. I told you we could change it if it means that much to you, but (1) I wanted Sammy to have his chance to be an unexpected hero, and (2) there are PLENTY of other ways Brendan can get a turn in the spotlight. For instance--defending SAMMY from LM's friends after school.
    You haven't changed ANYTHING. The existing "fact" was that before Kramer ran back, SAMMY ASHFORD, NOT YOU, tackled Leopard Man, and then it was Kramer who broke Leopard Man's arm. I want it understood that Kramer is a SEAL. As I say, I would have let you intervene if I'd known you had it in mind, but as it is I wrote what I wrote, in a scene I had initiated. Will your feelings be hurt if we remove Brendan's intervention? If they would be hurt, we can change it to fit your intent, but it will take more changing and will take away from Kramer's aura.
    Are you saying that Sammy Ashford DID NOT intervene? Did you read my reference to that?
    You were going to have Brendan help her? Sorry, I might have backed off and let you step in if I'd known. But you'll have your chance....especially while Alipang is NOT in top form.
    Alipang is working his shift, cracked rib and all. Dan and Chilena are not letting events ruin their outing to an Italian restaurant for her 17th birthday (she is right about two months older than Alipang). Present at Alipang's restaurant is Wilson Kramer the former SEAL.
    When you come back to Homeschoolers, it will be after school on Wednesday. Alipang has proudly walked home; and you can say retroactively that Brendan was among those respectfully escorting him.
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