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  • Hey, Erin It's great you want to make a banner!
    If you go to the main index of TDL and scroll near the bottom
    there is a section called "brush of a Unicorn, hide of a bull" that's where many friendly people will make a banner for you. I personally suggest Red Rose's thread (she made my banner), but I believe Gondor Girl (GG) and a few others also make quality banners. Once you figure out who you want to make them just post on their thread and tell them what you would like on your Banner. They'll repost on the thread, with questions before they start. Once they've figured out what exactly you wanted they will repost with your banner and Whala! Good luck! and Let me know how things go! If you need to send me a message you can do it from my profile!
    Nice to meet you and see you on the "Lawn"
    Hi! Welcome to The Lawn! My name is Annemarie. I hope you like it here! If you have any questions,feel free to ask.
    Dear Erin,
    So glad to meet you here on the forum. Welcome and I hope you enjoy getting to know us here. Sorry to hear about the pain in your teeth though. (Dental work is so expensive too!) May God provide for you and relieve your discomfort...
    Welcome to the Lawn, Erin, I do hope you come to love it as much as we do!

    (PS. You won't be able to post on my profile page, so if you'd like to reply, just post on your own profile, and I'll keep an eye out for it. Of course, feel free not to reply if you so wish.)
    Well, you got something done on here tonight: you introduced yourself to a "Mod" (a group leader).
    Erin, to write one of these messages ON SMAUG'S PROFILE PAGE, you have to find a place where her name is underlined to click on--such as where she is shown as your friend here on YOUR profile page.
    Understand that Mr. Lewis, the British man who wrote the Narnia stories, was a believer in Jesus Christ. When he made up the Narnia stories, he had to imagine how his faith in Jesus could fit into what he was imagining. So he imagined that in the world of Narnia, Jesus would change His shape, and appear as a huge lion called Aslan.

    In the most famous of the stories, "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," Mr. Lewis imagined Aslan sort of re-playing the death He had died as Jesus....AND returning to life again.
    It's nice to meet you! :D If you need anything or want to know anything, let me know. I'll do the best I can.
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