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  • Tongue piercing is gross, tongues are painful, and after biting my tongue really bad that one day I figured out tongues heal really quickly, how do tongue piercings stay? ;)
    Not having to forage is the point :D XD Thank you Garth, that's extremely comforting to know, I was very worried
    And I don't ;) He was very very gullible at the time (still is, but slightly more suspicious) but no, not quite :p seriously, it takes a good deal of effort for me to see mine
    XD Makes me want to take Ben along to restaurants so he can complain for me ;) See, we were in Cracker Barrel on the way home from some nationals trying to convince Ryley that sausages are made out of tiny pigs :D that was also the random discussion of whether you can see your tongue when you stick it out, I apparently have a very small tongue, I have to try really hard to see it
    Procrastinating volunteer help... ;)


    .... *still glaring* it's not breakfast if it's not within like an hour of getting up
    Though I still don't think it's fully done :rolleyes:


    it's called grabbing a granola bar on your way out the door, it takes two seconds ;) (ha, though grabbing a granola bar took more than two seconds the time I passed out trying to get into the stupid box at 2 in the morning...)

    It was comparatively, and it was actually to see if you had been on XD also there were people in our living room finishing our floor, finally

    no, it's not, don't do that
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