GeNtLe SuSaN
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  • He certainly does, you know that mischievous side of Remus that you barely ever see? It comes out a lot more with both of them around... :D

    Yes he deserves it, there wasn't enough of Fred and George either ;)

    Here, I've been rereading the book: :p

    "We're off to the village, there's a very pretty girl working in the paper shop who thinks my card tricks are something marvelous.... almost like real magic..."

    I thought either that was you or Verity in their joke shop was you :D
    Oh I've already seen Fleur's unpleasant side, Teddy knows he'd be getting an interesting Mother-in-Law ;)

    I liked the movie, my one friend who went with me convinced me that I like Malfoy :D and I already knew that I loved Snape. There wasn't nearly enough Tonks and Lupin (*gushes over Tonks calling him Sweetheart or whatever it was... :p)

    You know I just remembered, don't Fred and George talk about some muggle girl down at he post office or something in one of the books? Is that you? :D
    Eh, up and down, ya know? Hence why this took forever to reply.. but not quite as long as my other disappearance! How are you?
    Hhaha. : P

    I KNOW!!! The idiots who fixed it (Gateway, curse you!!) wiped EVERYTHIN! And TDL couldn't archive it since it's about the cast. : (
    Hahah no we totally love each other equally!!

    Haha. Oh my life is so sad - W&C is gone! It was erased when my computer was fixed. : ( I am so depressed.
    Uh oh, I think I'll put off our visit to your house until you've cleaned up after whatever disaster is coming there ;)
    Oh Teddy's great, we've been visiting Bill and Fleur a lot lately so that makes him happy ;) Remus is having fun teaching as is to be expected and I haven't burn too many dinners lately ;)

    No I haven't but I'll be seeing it on Saturday I hope :D
    jesus is gentle too. All my heroes are believers injesus Christ.Elvis is in Heaven,and cs Lewis and Tolkien,and the list goes on,all believers in Jesus the lion of judah.
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