GeNtLe SuSaN
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  • Oh, I have senioritis, I cannot wait to get out of this blasted school! You have no idea the number of ignorant fools I have to deal with on a normal basis.
    Pardon me!

    "Tell me about it! Some people really need to just....hike up their bloomers and get on with it, begging your pardon!
    Actually, I am sadly not from England. I'm a Yank. I prolly sound like a Brit because my grandmother is, and she's quite the influential bugger, if you're catching my drift. "
    you posted on your own wall :D I wondered why I hadn't heard from you! You do sound a bit like a brit, but I think I slip into it too sometimes as well. Or perhaps it's just my education :p Drift? I'll close a window ;)
    Just in case you forgot what Oliver looks like, check out his profile picture for twitter. <3

    Tell me about it! Some people really need to just....hike up their bloomers and get on with it, begging your pardon! :rolleyes:
    Actually, I am sadly not from England. I'm a Yank. I prolly sound like a Brit because my grandmother is, and she's quite the influential bugger, if you're catching my drift. :p
    well, some people are wound too tightly. They don't have a sense of humor much less any brains. Forgive me, but I seem to have forgotten what side of the pond your on. If I didn't know better I'd say you were English. :D
    Actually I'll freely admit it. I can be a bit cheeky at times, but it's all in fun ;). Fine lets open our own studio! We start with Alice, then tackle one of the other Oz books (instead of making ANOTHER sequel to the 1939 film), then what? WORLD DOMINATION!!! COFFEE WILL BOW DOWN TO THE POWER OF TEA!!!!!MWA-HA-HA-HA!!!!
    Yes It would be funny if we were! :D, I think it would have been more interesting if they melded the two versions together story wise. One of the issues with the 1951 film is the lack of plot, Alice only wonders place to place with the very thin excuse of "I'm trying to find the white rabbit". While that is true to the source, it honestly doesn't work well in film. that's why we really don't identify with her, and that same reason is why the scene 'good advice' (the one where she cries in the forest) drags so (and is my least favorite disney song EVER). If they introduced her need for escapism and foreshadow the menace of the Jabberwocky, in the framework of the '51 film (giving the same jabberwocky climax as Burton's film). this would have made a more pleasing film. Instead of a Apocryphal rehash so something that looks like Return to Oz in a candy factory (with a touch of consintrated Narnia).
    Yes, he lost book purist and most likely parent audiences ( the eye balls and the Jabberwacky) , the only people that I can think appeals to is the Gothic tween girl crowd that Disney has been marketing things too (you know those hot-topic kids).
    I love the books, it's best though if you read The Annotated Alice ( it contains both books and has footnotes explaining the Victorian pop-culture references. This helps you get some of the jokes and makes it more fun. I like Walt's Alice but Like The Black Cauldron, It's long history and production caused the film to 'overcook' . I'd kill to get a chance to get a look at the 1939 version Disney abandoned. Tim Burton's film was a major disappointment. It tries to act like a third book to the series, but contradicts it (which makes it non-cannon). It didn't feel like Wonderland, but like diet Narnia/LOTR. The Underland instead of Wonderland thing was annoying as well.
    Because we all are mad!!! plus we have a weakness for tea. ;) now the question is my dear.
    do you like the books? the 1951 Walt Disney classic? Tim Burton's 2010 garbage, one of the other adaptations, or all together?
    Oh, thank the lord, I thought I'd have to make a short trip to Tara to visit you. Why I declare how many stereotypes can we go through my dear? ;)
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