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  • I urge you to delete the "AL?" and the frown--leave it with her in his lap again and both of them happy.
    Mrs. Capshaw and her husband might even have just this morning had to go out of town, due to reasons not related to Chilena's birth mom.
    awwww... oh, right, you're in college, right???
    what are you studying??
    Oh, would u post in Kayla's RPG? She just doesn't know what to do, we stranded her :p
    If a friend IN Smoky Lake is a contact person, Mrs. Capshaw who has already been introduced is the natural candidate. Do you recall I said she used to be in show business before she settled down? She might have met all sorts of people then. But read the PM you just got from me.
    Well, we have to have this decided or we can't continue. The birth mom is not going to call and say, "Hi, Elizabeth, I have no idea what's happening with us!"
    What, in Morocco? Morocco is one of the few Muslim countries which DON'T persecute Christians; that's why I imagined the birth family having felt safe to go there. And if she WERE in a Muslim prison, I guarantee you she would not be given an international phone call! On the other hand, we could say the birth family HAD BEEN in some trouble, but the U.S. Consulate helped them, and it would be FROM the U.S. Consulate that Mrs. Jakakens WOULD be able to phone America. You still haven't said what would have become of the birth father. You also have neither confirmed nor denied my guess that Chilena Elizabeth (bet the Havens would have kept that as her middle name) was only HALF-sister to her birth brothers, that they had a different mother who either died or was divorced.
    Remember that, very much UNLIKE Chilena, Alipang spent years in Filipino slums where he was often running literally FOR HIS LIFE.
    Just for the record, it was established from the start that Alipang is EXTREMELY athletic; Chilena MIGHT gain a brief lead in a sprint, but over any distance he would be sure to catch her.
    When you said "I replied," if you meant on Homeschoolers, I have posted in turn. I still await your word on whether you saw your new sonnet.
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