Gentle Voice
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  • In my picture there I am with LucyTheMarshwiggle and she's so beautiful she makes everyone else look terrible, LOL
    In all seriousness, have you heard the saying "Youth is wasted on the young"? It really is a shame for young people, while they still _have_ health and energy, not to have the _insight_ to use what they have to the best effect. That's one reason why I try to pass wisdom to the young.
    Yeah...since I can't snap my fingers and turn _myself_ thirty years younger, I'll pray for you as you say.
    More boys would follow Jesus if they weren't made to think that they have to turn into girls to be Christians. It may not be obvious to you, as a girl yourself, but most modern worship is in a very feminine mood. That's one reason why I play Alipang as far more macho than God ever permitted me to be: so that a reader can see what a Christian male CAN become.
    You mean Alipang is sweet, right? Thank you, I intend him to be. We have more than enough selfish, stuck-up boys in the real world, without my inventing extra ones as leading characters. (-:
    If the Really-Wow is about Alipang's love for Chilena: well, they're NOT related by blood after all. As it is, Alipang does not intend anything weird by his demonstrative affection; he IS accustomed to thinking of her as a sister, and is not jealous of Dan; but he loves her very very much.
    I was just trying to keep on writing Wormwood... ya know, it's turned kinda hard cuz I have sooooooooooooooooo many ideas and it's like I have to put some order to them too. :) And I'm talking with some buds in MSN, and to you and in the Dawn Treader forum.
    Thursday evening is now past and gone, but all is in readiness for Chilena and Mom to visit Alipang. They will be told that Alipang can be released before the day is over, but that he must avoid lifting anything heavy for several days.
    I'm really hoping that you will be able soon to post Chilena on the phone with Alipang's hospital room (for which I already posted things Alipang would say), and then her visiting him at the hospital the next day (Friday). If it helps, you have my permission to take partial control of Alipang, especially if you are on-forum when I'm not.
    Are you clear that Chilena knows Alipang was attacked? That Brendan probably saved his life? And that Alipang is now in an ambulance bound for the hospital in the next town?
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