Gentle Voice
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  • i love the name hannah! ^^
    its one of myy fave names actually ;]
    my middle name is long. lol.
    yeaa, im making a banner right now of them sitting by the lake.
    im not sure where the other pic is i might have misplaced it =PP
    but yeah ill send the banner im making right now :]
    i know. -.-

    well i havv to go eat dinner, and then ill make u the banner i found one pic now i need the other ;]

    be back soon hannah!
    yeah thats exactly the way i feel about things.
    like some girls in my school wait for guys to come out of their classes.
    & thenn there's this traffic jam as all the girls are standing there giggling and waiting, and we're trying to run to gym, and we're like, he's not the statue of liberty! gosh!
    seriously, they're so immature and annoying.
    he sounds really cute, especially if he looks like edward!!
    just have patience :) i know it's really hard, im having patience myself, because the guy i like also supposedly likes me (thats waht everyones telling me lol).

    i feel like you're my older sister, even though ive never had one lol :]
    okay! :D
    okay..hmm. well i'll find some pics on the site and then PM them to u so u can decide which one u <3 more ;]
    aww. its happened once with me. fortunately i got over the guy quickly...but..we had dated. and it was really hard the first few days.
    you can call me kay, GV!
    oh i hate it when guys do that its so annoying and it hurts so much when someone tells you that they are :[
    of course i can! anything for you :]
    i think he finds you attractive. perhaps not liking, but finds you attractive. because a) he took the time to talk to you when you were upset, and b) he didn't like it when you said you wanted to go inside. i think he likes your company. :]
    aww!! i mean some people probably would just think in their head if u were okay, but he came up to u and asked u, trying to spark up conversation!! i think he might :]

    why were you crying? :(
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