Gentle Voice
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  • Urgh I hate babysitting, but I'm going to be doing it a lot now ... haha. : P
    Ooh, have fun!! : P Yeah I'm psyched because I just got tickets to see Regina Spektor (my favourite) soon in concert, so I know how you feel!! : D
    If you need to say no to something, you can't let the little brat's crying stop you. You're the adult.
    I guess I'll be praying for you in the babysitting jog also. Did you see how I set up the scene for you in "College"?
    But remember: as Melody and Josiah, we are doing something generous and very important for friends in need. And we have the maid Maria to help keep order.
    Yes. You could, for instance, have the two women talk about the four foster children who will be temporarily living in the Redfern house with Glenda, Ranjit, and Glenda's mother. Will these foster children upset Keno the dog?
    It would actually be pretty easy for you to get back on board now. The action is on the last weekend before Thanksgiving in 2008, and Josiah and Melody are attending the wedding rehearsal for Glenda and Ranjit at Calvary Chapel. I have said that Melody and Tiffany are taking care of Isaiah and Elijah, while Josiah, and the Italian ladies Giulietta and Claudia, help out with this and that. The plan is for Glenda and Ranjit to sleep in a downstairs bedroom in the Redfern house on their wedding night, with the foster children they're caring for being moved in afterwards by stages.
    Blessed are the peacemakers as Jesus said.He is the Prince of peace after all. One day he will finally bring world peace,and some of us have tried hard to achieve the dream. It will happen.Right now,its as when Aslan was gone awhile and the ape nmaed shift as in the Last battle makes a mess,yet it will need Aslan to get the world united and get things in order.Its coming real soon.
    It has been too long! : |

    Here it is! -
    Oh dear! It must have been quite quite long since I last talked to you, then!! Eek.
    Haha yeah I actually just finishd making it. : ) I'm about to upload it. : )
    Wait - did I not tell you?? About my new baby sister! She was adopted a bit ago. : ) My parents didn't tell us until like, two weeks before they adopted her! Haha.

    What are you up to?
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