Gentle Voice
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  • Of course I believe you that you sent me one! It just hasn't arrived in my Inbox yet. It may show up any moment.
    idunno. I havent seen her on this site lately either. Mabye she's a bit busy.
    I didnt godmod. After the Orion blew up, I tried to think of a way to keep Josie Caspian's character alive, so thats why Rigel found her unconsious and is bringing her to the Contellation.

    And Serpaethia walked into ALyssa's room is not godmodding, since a character can walk wherever they want.
    Hi, sweets; I just saw your username at the other place too. So if you post in the next few minutes, I'll be there to answer it. Are you going to let me know what your character's parents argued about?
    Also, I think Alyssa should deal with Serpaethia.....since she has amnesia and just walked into ALYSSA's room!
    SIENNA IS NOT DEAD!!! SHE'S UNCONSIOUS!!!! She will wake up once Josie returns, but she IS NOT DEAD!!!
    Um, nowhere in the RPG did you say she died. How did she die, cause I didnt read it. You were talking with Alzira about Alex.
    I had Josiah go to the swings with Melody. I'll soon be logging off. Haven't had supper yet.
    Post in the Elements!!! A lot of death and despair is going on, and all the characters are going through major trauma.
    Just one more thing worth mentioning happened with our characters in "College" after you logged off. I said that Josiah remembered that Frasquita at "our" Mexican restaurant can refer Maria for English classes. Josiah phoned "Teresa's" and let Maria speak with Frasquita.
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