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  • that's COOL! :D
    so what kind of story was it?
    I'm trying to write a fan-fiction and story for myself
    (for the first time)'s harder than I thought it would be,but REALLY Fun too! :)
    Uhhh...nothing much here :)
    I don't have much to do in school...but I won't bored you with that :p

    So where did you get your user name?

    me? when I registered here I was going to put my name so I could remember it easily and then I wanted to put something SUPER COOL but then I knew I wouldn't remember it,so I just put my favorite things together
    Narnia and Ice cream
    so thus was born: Narnia ice cream :D
    I also love theater:) (p.s you should join the "Actors & Actresses" social group)
    I actually have two Holland Lops:)
    I play flute
    I do love wii
    And i (obviously) love Narnia (and Lotr;))
    I want to be an actress:)
    I venstre side af User CP står en del muligheder. Du skal rulle siden lidt ned, så ser du Edit Avatar, og diverse andre ting. :) Håber du finder det.
    Thanks for the Friends request! :)
    I see you joined my Legend of Zelda group :D
    So who's your favorite character?
    Mine are Link,his sister (on the Windwaker),and Zelda
    Do you know who the Moderators are, the leaders here? The ones who are active the most are Evening Star, Prince of the West, Inkspot and Benisse. Any of them can help you do it. But you will not be able to make an avatar until you have posted ten times in "serious" threads (not Introduction or Duffers). So find some subjects to commment on, and soon you will have the rank you need.
    Uha, jeg er ikke så god til den slags, fik hjælp. Men husker jeg rigtigt, klikker du på User CP øverst til venstre, og så Edit avatar. Så kan du bruge billeder, du har liggende på computeren. Håber det virker. :)
    Greetings in English! When I was in the United States Navy, I at least got a glimpse of the Danish coast from a ship.
    Der er ikke så mange fra de nordiske lande her. Jeg bor i Danmark, kommer oprindelig fra Färöerna. :)
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