Hermit of Archenland

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  • I was just showing empathy with your fictional character's feelings on seeing the attractive young woman.
    And yes.... I do know the regrets an old man can feel when a young woman strolls by. But our gracious God, with His kindly sense of humor, has indulged me by letting me find a sweetheart who is ENOUGH younger than me to seem girlish to me, but not SO much younger as to make a relationship impossible.
    Hey I'm inviting some people to come on flash chat for a group chat! If you want to come, then feel free to, the room we are in is the HYPER ROOM and the pass is OwlCity... Hope to see you there :)
    No doubt we did, now that you mention it; but the only time I ever visited London was passing through Heathrow on the way back to America after a Navy assignment.
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