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  • Hey there. I'm not on much myself. I wish I could be, but I can't these days. I moved. Life is different. I have a different job that keeps me offline. I miss everyone. I miss the old days. I hope all is well with you. May you be blessed!
    loool, ik ben nog n stukje slomer dan jou :p nog gefeliciteerd! XDD is je stage leuk? : D
    mwah.. in v4 werd t al echt n stuk zwaarder, dus dan weet je iig wel dat je echt moet gaan werken...iktoennogalleenvoorwiskunde. ondertussen maak ik iig wel steeds gwoon mn huiswerk, en begin ik ook eerder dan de dag van tevoren met verslagen enzo XD dus tis idd n stuk zwaarder. maar ook n stuk interessanter, vind ik. en ik heb naast school tegenwoordig ook veel te veel te doen, dus werk ik echt superhard in de les XD maar tis goed, tis allllllemaal goed ^^
    :eek: Halfway to 36!! ;) 18's a great age, I'm soon out of my teen years myself. I'll delay my birthday greeting for you alittle, but it's awesome that you're learning to play guitar. Tell me if you need some help playing. I've been playing a few years myself ^^
    aaahh vet! PABO 8D vind k wel wat voor jou, als k me even herinner enzo.. XDD
    maar met mij gaat t ook goed : D doe nu 5 vwo, zwem nog steeds, heb n superlief geweldig vriendje.. echt geweldig : D
    ja, ik ben er eigk ook niet echt meer. XD vandaar dat t mij toch ook weer even 4 dagen kost om te reageren. oeps. XD lol.
    Okay then we do it in english so you can get into english again. But if you don't know something just ask, right? ;) What are you going to do next? Another study coming up?
    Hey Ilse!!!!!!!!! It has been ages ago since I last saw you :D Things are going great over here. It's hot and I feel a bit sick because of the heat :p So what are you going to do next? You graduated from school?
    Yeay ;) Congratulations! I graduated a year ago, and haven't done any school since, hehe. I don't plan on it either ^^ Where were you on vacation?
    Heya! ;) Nice to see you again. I'm doing good. It's saturday so I'm really taking it calm today :p ... How're you?
    Hi Ilse! Sorry I didn't respond! :eek: ... I'm really good =) Working and having fun ;) ... How about you?
    Hey there! It's been awhile since I've talked to you. I pray that things are going well in your world! I thought I'd just drop by and say hi. *Hugs*
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