Into the Wardrobe

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  • I just feel sorry for old Mizzy!! He gets such a rough deal and everyone dislikes him. He was only protecting his own people. Thats why I prohibit the old tales. They say nasty things about my little Mizzy-pots. The BBC make him much nicer than Walden. In BBC he's like a cuddly old grandad who's just a bit grumpy. That's MY Miraz!
    That's good! Yeah I think I could use one too! :p
    Things are good! I started back to school >< not so fun but things are pretty cool with me other than that!
    Sorry Julie. I forgot to tell you I will not be able to come. Gabby's grandmother (mother-in-law) passed away last week and with all the arrangements plus chipping in for funeral expenses, I will have to pass. I will miss all of you.
    However, Gabby and I still plan to go before the exhibition leave Phoenix so I will give you a ring when we're ready. I'd love to say hello again.
    In His love.
    I hope you'll be done with that soon.

    Thanks. I know. And you are amazing. You're way more awesome than dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets! ;)
    How's the the thing with decluttering your house (that's what you were doing right?) I'm alright. I'm still going through somethings but I do feel that I am a little closer to God than I was before. :)
    I checked in with my mom. I'm an adult now, but she asked me not to. And she has been so stressed at work, and it wouldn't be fair to do anything that would worry her more.

    But tell me how it goes - I hope y'all have a great time!
    It is! I thought it was Friday. And I just dropped that class anyway. It isn't an unbearable drive from Vegas, but my folks might worry about me doing it alone since I have never driven out of state. I'll ask them, though, and see what they say.
    yeah, same: ) and I'm glad that you've been pulled back to Him as well! that's all he wants us to do, to run to him at all times.

    and yeah, that sounds like a good book! I'll see if I can find it anywhere first, haha, it might be in a Christian book store located pretty close to my house. I'll definitely take a look at it=)
    I love you TONS Julie, thanks so much for being such an amazing person.
    My legs feel amazing. Actually that's old news. That happened last year, so my legs have been healed up already :D Other than That I'vee been busy busy busy.
    It sounds awesome! It makes me want to skip a class and drive out there. Are you planning the Lion Parties, too, or is all the planning split up by what mod lives where?

    What was the mischief? Arrest records started? *eyebrows*
    Ah - hah! PaperBnite lies! They tried to tell me Skandar was only like 5’3”. :p
    *tries to squish down a few inches to be petite*
    *exhales and pops back up, lanky* Oh, wells...

    I thought you had done that annually. LOL, maybe a Dennys in the midwest then :D
    Seriously, though, it is so cool that you organized that. I hope it was fun! The idea was brilliant :D
    I know He is too. I've pulled out my Bible and I've been reading that quite a bit. Tiff has been telling me where I should go in my Bible for guidance. I think I might be feeling better about it. It's just the other night I found out some news that really upsetted me and I said something that I immediately regretted about my faith and then I realized I still had it because I regretted what I said. I'll look into that book that you recommended. Thank you. :)
    I love your colorful message lol! Things are still a little shaky on my end. I've definitely questioned my faith but I think God is showing Himself to me in small ways. *hugs* How are you?
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