*IOWW the Iasc*

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  • Me too! I just cant wait to be done with school. And we're probably moving to Hawaii =/
    And I'm getting glasses soon. Technically they're optional. I have 20/25 in my right eye, and 20/30 in my left. So I can function just fine (obviously) it's just a bit hard to focus on things farther away.
    Looks very interesting,thank you.:)
    Ah,sounds very interesting,thanks for the explaination.:) I'm 20,so I'll look it up.:)
    Hi.:) I was just wondering about your siggy..what is it from?:D It looks very cool.:)
    I love them too :) I can't pick a favourite song, they have so many good ones...I do love 'Goodnight and Goodbye' though.
    Haha, no, they took her remains out, but left the grave undug and a couple of her personal belongings were left lying around.

    Yeah, I'm just waiting for someone to catch them though, I'm pretty sure that it's a little against the rules to put someone who's close to varsity times on a slower team.

    It's no prob, don't worry about it.
    You must be pretty good at it by now then :p

    Probably because I bring us up in points. If I win first all the time then we get so many points, and they don't want to move me up where I'd actually have to work to beat people.

    haha. Well I was at my granddads house, and I went to explore this abandoned hotel that's been abandoned for about 50 years or so. After I went out, I met a guy named Robin Dover, he's kind of a freak but yeah, he told me about this chick that got murdered and they tried to bury her in the abandoned cemetary, someone caught them in the act or something, and the grave was left uncovered. So of course I went to go look :p and there it was, uncovered. Then I found the woman's fake pearl necklace, and a pair of red stained gloves.
    Best day of the trip.
    You must really love softball :p So it's off season practice for you?

    Well, I ran crappy for a week or two because I couldn't breath through my nose, so I got put on the slow team -_- So at the meet I got first in every event and kicked everyone's butts, and got faster than some of the people on the fast team! Gah. And I'm still on the slow team. But I think I'm going to start hurtles now.

    Today was interesting, I met a horror author, and found the remains of a murder scene ^_^ yay.
    Hey! Fo sho.
    Things are alright over here, it's Spring Break. I'm at my sister's house with two screaming babies though >.< Other than that, life's pretty much gliding smoothly.

    How about yours? Is it Spring break for you guys?
    Hi there Chelsea, how did things go with the MRI and did they tell you anything about the results of it yet? I'm glad that you have a good team this year. I hope things will go well for you throughout the season. *Hugs*
    lol, only problem is that I'm not really getting an education here :p I'm serious when I say that I've learned more from YouTube than I have from School this past year.

    Whoa, that's cool. One of my friends is probably going to go to Stanford too. I'm sure you'll do great on the SAT.
    Like what kind of comments?
    ...in otherwords take off the other options
    there was never meant to be a neutral option
    my thread
    my design ;)d
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