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  • Beth! I'm so excited to see you online again! :D Haha, yeah, that's the way school is for me. :p Wow, Physics? Sweet! I'm surprising myself with my enjoyment of Geometry...:eek: :p Wow, that sounds amazing if you subtract the whipped cream and add Moolenium Crunch Ice Cream (Blue Bell). That stuff is like manna from heaven. :p But really, my ideal life would be living in a several-hundred-year-old castle on the rocky coast of Ireland. My immediate family would be there as would stables and an enormous library. A computer would be nice, too. No, I have not put very much thought into this. :p

    *Haha, such a fine line between stalking and curiosity :p* Yeah! I had never even heard of it until the other day when I saw a thread for it on NarniaWeb. Haha, that made me laugh! I hope you decide to do it! We could encourage each other! I have a basic structure of my world built, and a couple of characters...I'm just working on a conflict that is original & not over-used in literature. :p Then again, maybe I'll just write whatever comes out when Nov. 1st rolls around! :p I am pretty sure that it will be a fantasy book, but with little-to-no magic (magic has become so cliched in fantasy, I think. Which annoys me because it's an awesome storytelling tool, methinks!)

    Have you read C.S. Lewis' autobiography, Surprised by Joy? I'm re-reading it & its really amazing! Highly recommended! I might as well throw in a couple more recs, while I'm at it. :p
    Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage (the writing style reminds me of Lewis in it's simplicity--although its no Chronicles of Narnia.)
    The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton (Chesterton is a master of mystery as well as comedy, with some brilliant symbolism thrown in)
    The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (I know you don't like him, but I really enjoyed this book.)
    The Lost Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron (The first third was a little tedious [to me] but the latter two-thirds of the book are really great, imo)

    Have you read any good books lately?

    P.S. This post is wayyyyyy longer than I meant for it to be. Sorry, haha. :p
    Beth! What is upppppp?! :p You won't have been on TDL for a whole month if you don't log on by tomorrow! :eek: You're probably super busy with something that thing--what's it called? Oh, yes, a 'life'.

    Hope you log on again soon! :)
    I do! Weekends are amazing! Only bad thing is I hate when they end. Haha. I wouldn't have to wake up so early if it didn't take me an hour to get there everyday. Or I could take later classes. But I'd rather have a free afternoon. :rolleyes: Nope, I'm not working this first semester. I might not work my next semester either ... we'll see :p
    You're in an orchestra? That's awesome! Ooooo that'd be so cool to go to Disneyland! Haha! practicing is so not cool :p No, I'm not. I quit taking piano lessons in May. I was so ready to quit. I had been taking lessons for almost 9 years. I still play, but I get to play what I want to :D
    Yeah...Here's a link to a non-live version. :) Exactly (about acoustic artists...)! The acoustic music scene reminds me of an underground organization--only people on the inside know the good artists. :p

    Haha, I have the same problem with my mom. I wonder if that's a universal trait for moms. :p (Indeed! And the thing is that it's so unnecessary! Like Eminem (sp?) has a song called "Lose Yourself" that is absolutely brilliant [I think...] but is totally ruined by like four cuss words. :/ I've only heard it twice because I hate the cuss words, but that song really shows off his master lyricism (is that a word? :p)). If he was a Christian he would create some unbelievable music. Yeah! The video about it is on her website if you wanna watch it!

    Thanks a lot, Beth! :) (Exactly about Taylor Swift! Another thing I wish is that more artists would incorporate different instruments into their music. Zac Brown Band does a wonderful job of this [I've picked out some beautiful sounding organ (sp?) & violins on their new album!]) Haha, sweet! They're just amazing, aren't they? I've heard that they have one of the best live shows around, too!

    Too right! Pop has inundated nearly every genre! I find it rather annoying since pop music is probably my least favorite genre (though you're right--it does sound great for some bands.)

    Haha! Awesome! She sounds awesome! I heard another great argument for knowing your history the other day--but I can't remember what it was. :annoyed: :p

    A couple of random music recommendations:
    The Lion & The Sail
    The Running Back
    The Daylights (I've only heard a couple of their songs so far, but they were gorgeous!)

    Once again, I hope this all made sense...:p
    Haha, I wonder if they've ever done an FM Static/TFK concert? Trevor would be on stage for a looong time. Haha. :p Interesting about HN, maybe I'll give them another shot. (I've sorta been avoiding them since the show I saw a while back, haha. :p)

    Yes! You need it! It's really good (I think there is one mild cuss word, though...) Yeah, I'm super excited! Btw, did you hear that Jon Foreman & William Fitzsimmons both collaborated with Brooke on her new album? It's gonna be awesome! :D Nice, Let me know what you think of it! =)

    Haha, yeah, in my view country music is very divided right now--there are artists like Miley Cyrus/Taylor Swift (Swift is a good songwriter, but an average musician...I feel like she has focused a little too much on her songwriting and not enough on originality in her music...but I digress. :p) which are almost more pop than country. The pop-country scene tends to all sound the same. But then you have throwbacks to what country music used to be, like the Zac Brown Band (they just released a phenomenal album--there are a few songs with problematic lyrics, but you can delete those and still have a good album. There is one song called "Who Knows" that has a beautiful instrumental...), and then you have guys who sort of blur the line like Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, Eric Church, etc.

    Wow, sorry, I think I wandered around a little with that, but I'm too lazy to edit it. :p
    Dude! AWESOME! I'm jealous. -_- Haha, yeah, they're pretty high on my 'See in concert' list. Glad you got to see them! That sucks that you didn't get to meet them, but I know what you mean--when you go to a concert with other people you're at their mercy as to how long you stay. :p I saw HN once a while back, but didn't like them much, that was one of their earlier shows, though so maybe they've improved. :p I'm glad you had fun!

    Not much! I got Sara Bareilles' album (A-mazing! =)). Annnnd, I got this song called "Pinewood Chests" by Tyler Lyle that I like a lot. Oh, and I think I'm gonna get to go to a Brooke Fraser concert in Nov! :D

    Here's a random question: What is your opinion of country music?
    Beth! Thank you :) Hahahaha ... I always wonder why such young kiddies would take the time to talk to me. I guess y'all just like my electric wheel chair and dentures :D

    Uhhhh, not much. Just the regular ... school. It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I did not want to wake up this morning. I woke up before my alarm went off and it said 5:25 and I was like, Nooooo ... only 5 more minutes :rolleyes: Waking up at 5:30 every morning is killing me. Haha. What about you? How's life? :p

    I have heard of it. Two of my friends are really into it, but I have no idea what it is. LOL.
    I forgot to tell you that the band Ben Rector is opening for is called "Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors"! Look 'em up! They're pretty great!

    Haha, yup! It took me forever, too (to write my reply, that is...)! :p

    Yeah, I signed up for it yesterday.
    Exactly! I really would like to know who exactly is in charge of that...Like, is it one guy at the record label, or is it someone from the band, or the graphic designer? I would love to get a hold of him so I could give him a piece of my mind! :rolleyes::p Speaking of graphic designers, I think that would be the coolest job in the world! To design album artwork & such...
    Don't you hate it when that happens? :p Ahh, I love silver & reverie! That's awesome! You know what they say about great minds...Another of my favorites is 'captive' or 'captivating'. There's something about the contrast between the 'p' and the 't' in that word...Haha, I'm such a nerd. :p

    Ha! And anyone who defies us about 'vengeant' being a word will feel our 'vengeant' wrath (not totally sure about the use of vengeant in a sentence...:p)! *lamest joke ever*

    Yeah, that was the play count before it it's like 12 per song. :rolleyes: You got the Zune? How do you like it? Did you hear that Apple released a new Touch that has HD video capabilities? I want one! But, I probably won't get one. Haha. :p 10,000s, eh? Not bad! :p Yes! Exactly! The car stereo makes it feel like the music is all around you...almost like a physical presence. That's one of the things I love about concerts, too! I've heard of those, but how does it work, exactly? And who offers them? Haha, you sort of cut off mid-sentence there. You must've been distracted. :p

    Maybe we can plan it a little more when Christmas break comes, and if we're not super-busy we could launch it at the first of the year. (This is all talk obviously...:p)

    Ha! I really don't think I'm that funny in "real life"...I like to think I have a somewhat humorous style of writing, but, outside of the written word, my jokes aren't quite as funny. :p Actually, I think J.K. Rowling said the same thing once (not that I'm anywhere near Rowling in writing abilities...:p) Yes, free concerts=awesome!

    Aren't they just amazing? They actually remind me of Capital Lights...*Awesome! Hope you like it* Btw, did you hear that Between the Trees is disbanding? =( =(

    Yep! (You're welcome! And that's awesome! This is how shows get super-popular! :p)
    That's great that you seem to be enjoying school! Haha :)

    Hahaha. The calculus professor sounds like my professor for Biology lab. And my history professor had us answer all these questions for homework and then didn't even want to see them, much less grade them :rolleyes: I had to go back and look to see what I said to Kev. This week has actually been low key, because none of my professors gave us homework. And then ... on Friday ... PILED it on. Came home on Friday night and started working on it ... Saturday, homework all day. Today ... same thing. I'm almost done though. Hahahahahaha! That picture made me laugh! That's what my bedroom floor looked like about 30 minutes ago :p
    (Reply to your most recent post: )

    =) I know, right?! It turns out that that venue has over 500 people on it's email list, so their tickets sell out, like 10 minutes after they're posted online (not exaggerating. :p)
    :p Haha, thanks. I'm working on my's forthcoming. :p
    Hahahah! I have totally noticed that before! It's surprising, too...they spend all that money and time on an album, but they don't bother with spell-check? :p
    *Also random. :p* What are some of your favorite words (as far as sound goes)? I quite like 'soliloquy'. You? :p

    (Reply to your older post: )

    Haha, I say it should be a word. Let's put it to a vote...all in favor of 'vengeant' being a word, say 'I'...The 'I's' have it. :p

    I have just over 2,000...I'm also depressingly resource-limited. :p My most played album is easily Relient K's F&NSD. 100 plays for each song. And that doesn't include the times I listened to the physical album in the car. Plus, my iTunes reset my play count a few months ago. :angry: :p (I'm super-particular about play counts...:p)

    Exactly! I'm hoping to be stationed overseas at some point...=)

    *skipped some parts of your VM. Hehe. :p*

    Ahh, yes! A blog really would be a blast! Maybe next time life slows down for both of us we can do that...

    That is one of my best talents (making folks laugh.) :p. Haha. Actually, the concert is lookin' iffy for me, too! :-( BUT, I did get to go to an AMAZING Dave Barnes concert (it was even free!) it was outdoors...If you ever get a chance to see him, do it! He's hilarious & an amazing singer!

    So, what'd you think of Cartel? :p Ah! I'm totally gonna look up Kansas! And I love U2's latest album! Well, since you said that...=D LIGHTS has a cover of The Who's classic, "Behind Blue Eyes" on Youtube (search: LIGHTS Behind Blue Eyes.)

    Random: Merlin's first episode of the new season aired in England yesterday! It's on the internet now! I loooooooved it! I love where they're taking Morgana's character (as well as the Dragon's...) Watch it and lemme know what you think sometime! =)

    *Warning: this VM was not edited! :p*
    Beth!!! So nice to see you online again! :) I don't have time to reply to your post right now (hopefully I can do that later today...), but I had to tell someone who would appreciate the tragedy of what I found out today. :)p) I was looking at Ben Rector's tour dates and saw that, about an hour away from me, he was having a concert at this little 90 seat basement venue. I was so psyched! It is in October so I figured I had time to buy the tickets...WRONG! I looked it up this morning and the tickets are SOLD OUT! :(:( I'm fighting depression. :p Haha. But, on the bright side, I'll get to see him (as an opening act, so not a big setlist, obviously) on October 14th...Like I said, I'll reply to your full post later today. =)
    Goodness, Beth! It's been awhile! How have ya been? :)
    Hahaha ... I don't even remember what I tried to PM you :p

    Duuuuude ... I've dropped out ... my parents couldn't the handle the fact that I am a failure, they kicked me out, and now I'm living with a friend ... and even she can't stand me living with her. Hahahaha ... Just kidding of course. Hmmm ... I wouldn't say awesome ... but uhhh ... bearable ... and it's only been a week -_-

    Soooo, what have you been up to?
    Hey, Beth! You asked me about the winter holiday. I live in Argentina (South America), and we’re in winter now; in September it’ll be spring. How’s the weather like in USA? Is it cold or warm? I wish I could travel there one day! It’s one of my dreams.
    About being homeschooled… I’d love to have a lot of opportunities related to the subjects. In my school, we have always the same 10 subjects, nothing new. My favourite subjects are history and English. Do you have a favourite subject? I want to attend a new school next year. I already applied for admission and I’ll get an answer in September. What did you mean when you asked what was I taking at school this year? I’m sorry, but I’m still not well accustomed to the English language.
    Thanks for your nice commentary on my name!!
    Yo ... Beth ... delete some of your personal messages :cool: :p

    ... I did not find that funny in the least ... okay ... yeah I did. Hahaha.

    So when you ever meet any bands/singers/musicians/or any other celebrity ... tell them what you want them to know, even if you do stutter like an idiot! You'll be happier in the long run. Hahah. Wow, Beth. Do you know what scares me? That made perfect sense :rolleyes:
    Exactly! My brain is running at a hundred miles an hour right now, but when I wake up later today, I'll be like a zombie. :p Ha! Great idea! Actually, I really am hoping to get stationed overseas...Every time I tell someone that I'm joining the Marines one of the first things they say is, "You're gonna be moving around all the time." Like its a bad thing! That's one of the things I'm excited about! :p

    Ha! Why those dirty, rotten, scoundrels! ...Yet we remain their friends. :p [That was some of the best Old English written this millennium. :p]

    Yeah, its great stuff!

    I agree! I love the way the word rolls off the tongue...:p (Yes, me too! Viva la music geeks! :p) Hahaha! Very clever use of hockey sticks. :p (I'm beginning to think I use the ":p" smilie a little too much...:p)

    Yeah, I got that song for free from Tooth & Nail's Facebook page.
    Dude! Mae! I love them! I love the songs you recommended, and I'd add to that list The House That Fire Built. I think you described them quite nicely. ;-)

    I'm glad you like JFH! I find a lot of new artists through that site.

    Haha! That will never happen! (I hope...) :p

    Definitely! Coldplay is one of the most original bands of this generation of music, I think....Ah, Rainy Day is awesome, too! Quirky is a good word for that song. :p Me too! Yeah, its definitely a completely new direction from The End... especially lyrically, but I think this album shows the bands versatility really well. I think HoH could play any genre and still sound phenomenal! Well maybe not Electronic music...:p Yeah, I can see that....Another thing I love is how they went sort of acoustic on The Salt In The Sea without it really sticking out as a song that didn't fit on the album.

    Haha yeah, we totally should! We could post about new bands and review albums!

    YES!!!!!!! It definitely is! Dude that's awesome!!! (Really? I just thought your exclamation point key was stuck...:p) I hope you get to!

    Awesome! Lucky you!

    *random* "Fool In The Rain" by Led Zeppelin is awesomesauce. :p I'm also listening to a lot of Simon and Garfunkel lately ("The Sound of Silence" is brilliance!) I also really like "The Minstrel's Prayer" by Cartel. I'm enjoying Joy Williams' EP's, "Songs From That" and "One Of Those Days", too. Wow, that was a lot of recommendations. Sorry. :p

    Oh yeah, and if you haven't been watching Psych this season, it's possibly the funniest season yet. Watch the episodes here. One more show I've been enjoying is "Covert Affairs" about a rookie CIA operative...Ok, well, I guess its time for me to go get some sleep now. :p

    P.S. I hope this post makes sense. I'm very tired...
    Ha, I am indeed a terrible insomniac. Actually, it's more like I'm nocturnal...I have no trouble falling asleep in the daytime...I wonder if the Marines offer a night shift? :p

    Ahh, I know, right? TCC is right behind Switchfoot on my concert wish-list. :p ...Too true! My friends pretty much rely on me to let them know if there fav band is coming anywhere near them. But if they just payed attention to the band's FB pages they would know themselves! :rolleyes::p [Breaking out the Old English, eh? :p]

    Haha! Now I'm gonna end up obsessed with the comic! :p

    I'm glad you can follow my convoluted thoughts. :p (No worries, I get the same looks from my sister/family in general. :p) Totally agree! Haha, too right! Down with radio! :p

    Ha! You're totally right about following the music more. I listened to a song called "Travesty" by Haste The Day, and noticed a lot more about the music that I wouldn't have if it had been a song with regular vocals!
    I haven't checked them out yet (not in a mood for the harder rock about two weeks I'll probably be obsessed with them, though. :p), but I will. ;-)

    Sweet! Lemme know what you think of the site!

    Yeah, I probably will be on often, still. Not even school will keep me away, too much (hopefully :p)

    Haha! Nice!

    *random rambling :p* I've listened repeatedly to Coldplay's EP, Prospekt's March. Beautiful stuff! My favorites are the title track and "Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground". "Postcards From Far Away" also has some beautiful piano...I can't wait for their new album! Also, I finally got HoH's album! Amazing! I love the Amazon exclusive track, "Galveston"! My other favorites are, "Love Is For The Middle Class", "God Save the...", "She Mighty Mighty", and "So Far Away" (easily one of my fav vocal performances from any band. =D)

    P.S. Ever notice how our messages seem to get progressively longer? We've only posted 243 messages but I bet there is probably an enormous word count! :p

    EDIT: I'm so stoked!!! I just found out that The Almost, Chasen, House of Heroes, and Between the Trees are touring together...and one of their dates is only an hour away from me!!!!!!!!!!!! SO psyched! That's one of the best tour line-ups ever! I hope I get to go!
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