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  • D
    I think it's one of the best you've made.:D
    That Sam banner you made is AWESOME!!!!!!:eek::D
    Hey! I'm pretty good. I watched Idol last night . . . Danny went home :( Now I'll be voting for Kris! Haha!
    How are you?
    Yes, Vivaldi and Beethoven are great, too! ;)

    I've heard of Keith Urban. Bill and Gloria Gaither call their music southern gospel, I think. They gather lots of singers for concerts, and travel all over the USA. So I've only seen them on videos :( They mainly write music.

    Only a week to "Phantom.." now! I've seen the film as well, but never seen the musical live. I know a guy, who has a role in it. Look very much forward to seeing him :cool:

    Ha, ha! Lol :D So your sisters annoy you sometimes? I've heard something similar before. My pupils complain about their brothers and sisters as well.

    I'm not very much into rock, but your right. Good lyrics are essential.
    I'm back.:p

    Frank Sinatra was a hugely popular singer in the 1940s,but when his career as a singer started to fade,he turned to acting (and was suprisingly good at it too).He was even nominated for an oscar for best actor for "The Man With The Golden Arm"(an awesome film).
    My favorites with him is that,"Young At Heart",and "Anchors Aweigh"(one of the cutest movies ever imo).:D
    I love his music too.

    Yay!Most people I know love Batman more but Superman has always been my favorite.:)

    LOL I assumed so.The cutest boys always seem to be Brits.:D I love British boys especially Davy.*winks*
    Haha,yeah,I know.;)

    Young At Heart is a sweet I'm a sucker for non-gushy romances,and it has Frank Sinatra in it,so I have to adore it..*Accepts I'm probably the only Frank Sinatra fan ,but hopes I'm not the only one who knows who FS is*:p

    Yeah,I loved it! I'd seen the last 20 mins. on youtube,so I had to see the whole thing.
    And the actor was suprising good as Superman/Clark...I didn't think I'd like anyone but Christopher Reeve in the role,but his mannerisms were so similiar I loved him too.:D

    The pic doesn't show up,but thats okay...I'll go google him...
    Edit:He is quite cute! Is he British? *has a thing for cute Brits*:p

    I have to get off now,so ttyl!!!*smile*
    Well,the movie did have a happier ending than the book which was nice.But they still killed my favorite character.*wails*:(

    Yesterday's was Young At Heart..Its an oldie,and one of my favorite films,so I watched it again.Its kinda sad,because the main character is depressed and tries to commit suicide,but its got a beautiful end because he lives and at the end its spring and he and his wife have this adorable baby.I love it.:D
    Today's was Superman Returns.I bawled like a baby,but it was awesome.:D

    Alex Pettyfer?:confused:
    Its an awesome movie,but really sad and violent.:(

    Haha,I do that too.

    So do the kind with happy endings that are so sweet you tear up.I watched a movie like that yesterday and another one today.:D

    Yes,I know.:p Everybody tells me I'm nuts for loving the movie,and not the books,but oh well...

    Haha,well I liked Ed Speelers.He was adorable,at the very least,esp. for a blonde.

    LOTRs is as close to perfect as a fantasy film can get.*winks*
    Nope..:p Almost everybody here is younger than me,though,so I'm not really suprised,lol.

    It is.*shudders*..well,we watched it,The Odyssey(which was awful),and Troy (which was awesome.:D) in class because the teacher wanted us to have an understanding of not only the myth,but the historical events and people who inspired the tales.I adore myth,so I loved the class except for that.

    Haha,well,the 4 book Twilight series and "The Host" is all SM has written so far,so.....:confused: LOL,well,to me its a compliment,considering Twilight is the only teen books I can read without gagging,and actually enjoy.:p

    It has no language,and no improper stuff (not even so much as a kiss) which is great..
    Well *SPOILERS*
    the pastor sacrifices his life to bring the Gospel to the community.:-(

    LOL,I've read all 3 Eragon books,and *frowns* I disliked them,except for one part of "Eldest" that was okay...I just find them kinda boring and overtly violent (sorry..*embarassed face*)..

    On the other hand,I adore the movie.:p I watched it twice,and loved it so much I ended up buying it.I like Eragon and Saphira best.
    I took Music Education, I've always wanted to teach.
    Yes' you're right ;) I love classical music. Especially Bach, Händel, Mendelssohn, Brahms etc. But I also like countrygospel. I'm a big fan of Bill and Gloria Gaither, if you've heard of them. And musicals of course, I'll go to "Phantom of the Opera" in a week's time. Really looking forward to that :)
    Great that you make your own arrangements, I'm impressed. Maybe you should become a musician or music teacher yourself :D
    What kind of music do you listen to?
    I didn't know you were fourteen.:D Yeah,I'm 20,so I've seen a handful of R movies..We watched it in my Mythology class and it was a little *cough* grusome....

    Was it The Host?I love that one..almost better than the Twilight series... cute..Babys are so much fun!I love to play with my friend's 3 little siblings.:D
    I have a first cousin whos my age exactly,and lives in my same state,but I've never met her. I also have a little cousin down south who I met once and loved dearly.:) And I have 4 third cousins who are all boys who I know pretty well..My family doesn't do family reunion,so I don't know everyone.

    Hope you like it!:) I should tell you,its PG-13 for one scene of violence that results in the death of a main character (I couldn't watch it it was so heartwrenching),and a couple other scary moments (they weren't bad though,imo)

    LOL,yeah,I'm not usually a fan of modern re-makes,but I have seen some I really liked.
    Wow, you also play many instruments. At the Music Academy I was trained in Classical music. But I play a lot of different music with my pupils, also pop etc. :cool:
    What's your favourite music?
    No, I don't have children. But my brother has three, who are "spoiled" by their aunt (me) :D

    The Revolutionary War is facinating..although hard to find books & movies set then.:rolleyes: I love that time period too.
    Rome..not so much...*embarassed* I think I got a bad impression from watching Gladiator.:p

    Haha,very true.

    Of books? Well,I mostly read Christian fiction,classics (like Charles Dickens.<3) and Stephanie Myers's books. Don't really dip into secular fiction much,except old books,which I read tons of.

    Thats awesome having a cousin!My mom was an only child,so I have no first cousins,aunts,or uncles.*frown*

    Its amazing,imo..The critics gave it awful reviews,but I loved it.It was one of my favorite books growing up,and I always wanted it to be a movie,so I was jumping up and down the day I first saw the advertisment for the movie.In case you're wondering,its historical,and set in Appalachia during the 1800s.The Welsh people (I'm part Welsh,which is probably one reason I love the movie so much) had a strange and very sad custom called "The Sin Eater"..who was really just a man chosen from among them who had to live alone.They believed he became a scapegoat for their sins,and was unable to be saved.But a ltitle girl named Cadi learns of Jesus from a visiting pastor,and sets out to tell the Truth to not only the community,but the Sin Eater himself.Its got a beautiful end,and all these parallels between the Sin Eater and Jesus taking our sins.

    I love the old version of Sabrina starring William Holden and Audrey Hepburn..but I've never seen the remake.:D
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