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    Oh my gosh, I nearly did too! So beautiful...
    You saw the Lion King! I saw it when they came to my hometown. It's an awesome Broadway show!
    Peter and the Star Catcher is a Broadway show, just to let you know.
    I went to NYC and saw the Statue of Liberity on a ferry. I went to the Rockefeller Center, the top of the rock, and Times Square. I also saw Peter and the Star catcher, and I personally thought it was awesome.
    I'm awesome (and sleepy kinda). ;) I've just came back from my trip to the Big Apple (ska New York City)!!!
    I'm praying that everything well with my birthday -sigh- I'm so scared someone well go so wrong like my Christmas party :( please please pray that it well go right.
    My sister's graduating this year too! You'll be going to College right? My sister is the first one to actually move TO College. The three older ones all commuted.

    Pretty good :).. Things have been just a tad stressful but have slowly ebbed :).. SOOO excited to go to alive in 11 days! (It's a Christian music festival, there's about 15 artists for each day and there are 4 days in all :))
    Hello! How are you? I'm MorningTime4. It's nice to meet you!
    Hey! happy birthday! I hope you had a great day!

    18?! That's awesome! Are you off to college soon then?
    Lila! It's your birthday! That is great! I hope that your special day is amazing. Eat lots of cake and be super happy. :D :D
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