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  • Thanks. I'm hopeing that you get to go on your world trip as well :D

    Awwww. Soo cute. And cool. :D
    Maybe. Maybe.... Myabe I will just become a boring Primary school teacher and stay in England. Whatever happend I hope it is fun ^^
    Lok yeh they are. Fools. I just wish they would come with. It is... I need to find someone...
    Ahhhh. I'm 17 almost 18.
    Noope unfortunatly. No one. All my friends are very academic and the one person who I would have of gone with has been rather nasty recently so I would not want to go with her.
    Lol. You have seen most of eroupe. So lucky.
    Ahhh. How old are you again? You always seem older then me. Lol. I would be straight on to Uni which is collage for you... I get confused with the diffrent places once...
    I think you have all ready seen most of it lol. Wow you really are lucky!
    I am thinking. I've got a whole yeat before Uni. So I can think during this school year...
    Do you fancy coming with me? I would hate to go on my own... I would get all confused and lost knowing me... But seeing as I will always be in Eductaion I guess I should really...
    I have been thinking lots and lots...
    Lol. Well you do seem veeeeeery lucky at the moment.
    I hope so. I have already been to Cyprus, France, Germany and Menorca. Menorca 3 times. France more then I can remeber and Germany twice.
    My mum really wants me to take a year out and see the world. But I don't know. I wam too shy...
    But I might be going to Finland as part of my learning cource in University.
    Wow lucky... I want to be going with you lol. You get to go to lots of cool places by the sounds of it... So so lucky.
    Lol so lucky. Next year I am going to Greece for two weeks with some friends. But this year I am just so bored already. My sleeping dosen't help.
    Yeh. Instead of being in April it was in May.*Hugs back* Thanks lol. But I would get bored anyways...
    Our easter was the same amount but later in the months... So it all got cut down. You're very lucky!
    And we get less. They messed with the easter holadays so we only have five and a half weeks this year :(. It's unfair....
    Yeh. It seems England get off later and start later. I go back on the 4th September.
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