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  • Lol yeh they do. It's such a shame. They are just knocking it down becuase they feel like it. Even though loads of peopul have pertisioned.

    Awww! Thats so cute. :D
    Ooh I didun't know if you would know it. But yeh it's going :(

    Thats cool. :D Oooh I hope you are still together. How long has it been?
    hahaha. Sneaksneak! YAY!
    My cookie jar! You have no idea how many cookies William eats in a day....I'm out! Except one...haha. I hided it. :)
    London Astoria. They are nocking it down in a few weeks. Tis very sad. They want to put a railway staion through it...

    Oooh thats cool. We did too :D But I went to a friends and we played rapidogh and messed around lol.
    yeah yeah!! You will always be my twinny!! And my Sneaking budday!! aha. Good times! Good times!! I miss the good ol' days! Ahh....haha! You's will alwaysbe my friend too! UNCONDITIONALLY!! Unless you eat my cookie. Then, I'll have to think about it. :p Nah, NOT EVEN THEN!! Weelll, I'm glad to hear you are great!!!!
    Lol! Compleatly. But some parts are cool. But unfortuantly they are getting rid of the best concert place in London :(
    Thats cool.

    How were your new year celebrations?

    Uh... *blushes* (lol I'm joking, but if you would really hug me I would blush probably). Yes I have fireworks. Not very interessant though:
    -babypijltjes (144)
    -grondbloemen (100) (2 doosjes)
    -romijnse kaarsen (12 (?)) (10 shots)
    -hobbits (kleine fontijntjes; 4 stuks)
    -morning glory's (weetje wel die fakkelsterretjes; 2 pakjes 12 stuks, waarvan 1 afgestoken met mijn neefje van 6).
    Uh... that's all folks. *crunch* *crunch* *crunch*
    Oeps. De wortel ligt nog op het aanrecht. Waar zat ik dan op te kouwen?!?! *BOEM!!!! BANG!!! KNETTER!!!* Oeps het was een strijker en net als in iedere cartoon ging hij pas af toen ik ontdekte dat er iets mis was. Okeej genoeg flauwekul.
    Oh and of course a happy Friday new year, Saturday new year and Sunday new year too. Basically a happy (onbenoemde) rest of the year 2009 too! XD XD XD
    -_- Christmas is never too late. ~I wish there was a wisdom emoticon~ Thanks for the wishes. Happy new year the day after tommorow (thursday).
    Yeh I am not aloud in certain parts of London at night. But thats cool. That you can still go to them anyways.
    Ahh thats cool. I might check Ticket Master more often lol.
    Ahh thats lucky. They take me to a lot of them but sometimes they can't so I have to get the train or something...
    Lol. You got to wayy more then me. I just don't hear about them. Otr have no way of getting to the venue. But I am now going to the Kaiser Cheifs :D
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